I wish to return to Wordforge...


...and asked Dear Leader to do so. Ya know, modus operandi since the dawn of the Forge. Sadly, after almost a week, no answer :(

The reasoning why I think this is no unreasonable request: I think my sins are atoned for since half the board did or even is doing right now just what I was banned for. And I have some free time on my hands.

*patiently awaits the OUTRAGE!!!!! from the usual pack of pantywaists*


U mad 'bro?
Is that a pic of Jana Defi that you are defacing for your AV?


Un Banned
I hope WF's PTB unban you & let you back:techman:

When you were a WF'olk was long before I'd ever first heard of it on Big Blue.

Maybe if they let you back, other TKers will co-register at WF:)

Be like the Fun Days of 2002 & 2003 when TBBS & the extinct STBBS shared many of the same posters:D


No-one of consequence
Sorry Cass, I lost track of you during the massive shitstorm that swept thru the last couple weeks.

I'll email you.


Care to elaborate? Maybe if you offer to post your sex-change escapades like Shep is he'll change his mind?
Obviously I've been much worse than polarslam, Hood and all the others who have been let back. Guess I should have called dead people's families pedophiles or something instead of doing what half the board has done in the last week or so :bergman:
I think you should be let back in.

Everyone else has been unbanned.

Not sure what Lanzman's reasoning is...


Obviously I've been much worse than polarslam, Hood and all the others who have been let back. Guess I should have called dead people's families pedophiles or something instead of doing what half the board has done in the last week or so :bergman:

You are obviously TOO feared to be let back. Sokar's sig is a lie.



on a break from forums