I would like to know.........


New Member
Who the stupid person is that registered this board in a young basketball players name????? Who????? If this board isn't hers, that has to be one of the biggest fuck ups I have ever witnessed. You just set this kid and her entire fucking family up. I don't think anyone in the private sector would do that, we would get sued and lose every G*ddomn thing we own in additon to having criminal charges brought against us.

Another thing...........shouldn't you federal people over here be looking for the REAL criminals???? not making criminals out of honest tax-paying people????? Aren't you guys the ones who rely on private citizens giving you tips about REAL criminal activity. That is how you caught the D.C. sniper. Fuck!!!! how bad is it when you can't find the real criminals so you try to make one out of ME????????? Why didn't you assholes do something about Eric's maliciousness?????? you watched what was happening............or did you give him that hairbrained idea without knowing all the FACTS?????????????

You want to listen to a private citizen and learn a fucking thing or two???? #1....when missmanners#1 was showing off that G*dawful looking weapon here.....that was fucking clue #1 to me. Then some of the talk around here about some shady crap was clue #2. Then when I contacted every G*ddamn law enforcement agency and his brother agency and NOBODY did anything.............especially after me telling them there was talk of Illegal Weapons, Drugs and Money Manufacturing!!!!!!!!! not to mention the harassment, posting of personal information, then a criminal charge being brought against, ME, JillianBacardi for online harassment on this board and you BASTARDS sat around, made excuses and did nothing. HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE???? I KNEW THEN THERE WAS SOME KIND OF G*DDAMN DIRTY COVERUP GOING ON. Yeah...........lets not forget the agency that hacked into this board after I called OldDirtyBastard out.


*JillianBacardi spits on the ground* then glares at all you assholes who are trying to cover you cowardly asses.


Hey, I'm not square, you're the one square. You're full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussies for nothing, man? For some low-life pimp who stands in the hall? And I'm square? You're the one square, man. I don't go screwing fuck with bunch of killers and junkies like you do. You call that hip? What world are you from?

Listen you fuckers, you screwheads. Here's a man who would not take it anymore. Who would not let...Listen you fuckers, you screwheads. Here's a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit, here is someone who stood up. HERE IS

Let me tell you something. You're in a hell, and you're gonna die in a hell, just like the rest of 'em!

You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? Huh? Ok.


New Member
Boy you just love those picture of Mugtoe sucking cock eh Jillian. You should ask, he would probably give you lessons.