Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull mouths off on World Cup


beer, I want beer
recipient of the first American Grammy for Heavly metal artist of the year (LOLOLOL), was on my radio this morning promoting an upcoming geezer tour with Procol Harum. His comments of the World Cup, and I quote:

"I have never understood the fascination with what Americans call soccer. I've always seen it as a bunch of overgrown children who spit far too much, then fall down and roll around in it. Their behavior off the pitch* (that's "field" for us colonials) is the most reprehensible sort of nonsense, and worse they finish it all off by showering together."

Anderson went on to congratulate the US for tying the Brits, because he said they were much too arrogant and played down to the US, and by rights should have lost the game entirely.

Interesting take. How do you feel about that? He seemed a personable guy, and all this was delivered with calm clarity, but did not seem to be even the dryest kind of English humor. I think he really meant what he said. His entire rant was actually longer but I can't remember all of it...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
he played skin flute for Tull, as I recall?


Is this real life?
Lots of points to address there, some he's right on, some he's way out.

I'd agree with him about the players. Sure, there are lots of decent, honourable blokes playing football, but ironically, I suppose, a lot of them could be described with the phrase that Brits used for American GIs back in WWII: "overpaid, oversexed and over here". The spitting and pretending to be hurt are the things that annoy me most. Not sure what the issue is about them showering together, though. Don't most sports teams do that?

But as for England deserving to lose the game, well, obviously I'm biased, but no. The English players didn't employ any dirty tactics as far as I saw, while there was some shirt pulling from some of the American players (but I think both sides were very well behaved all in all). And it was only the British tabloids that underestimated the US team's ability. I think anyone who looked at their record could see that they were a threat. Though, with England ranked #8 in the world and the US #14, there was some leeway for a degree of confidence. But not arrogance.


I never understood the point of Procol Harum, so there.

O - and US media: You didn't 'tie' with the 'Brits' - you fucking DREW with ENGLAND.

Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have their own teams, and believe me they're more pissed than us when the boundary is blurred. It's really not difficult.


beer, I want beer
See, that's why the English lost all those countries; trying to be too nice. We don't own Canada, but you think that stops us from thinking of them as America's Hat? FUCK no; when you say "America" we don't care that there are two other countries in the northern continent, and a shitload of distinct countries in the other continent also called America. "America" means the got-damn US of A, and all the rest? They're the "other guys."

(ps I really don't know who has a footy team in the tournament. We don't get any of the games on regular tv unless our guys are playing...)

At any rate, I lol'ed at Ian Anderson talking about arrogance of the team NOT American. He does know that arrogance is our main export, right?


Staff member
The American's were fortuitousness to get a draw and even more fortuitous that Rooney decided that he was having an off day.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I have never understood the fascination Americans have with baseball, or football (not footy). Lots of people love whatever sport they love for whatever reason. I'm sure it's better than drinking turpentine!