If Charles were to be banned...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It would be fun.


Still in Mom's basement
Charley has trouble walking from point A to point B without tripping over his own feet. I read in a thread elsewhere that we supposedly were "laughing" at Jack on New Years Eve. We never got together this past New Years Eve.

I also understand he supposedly was in Philadelphia to meet you, Conchaga last year. Well, since he was serving shrimp at my football party that weekend at my home, he was several hundred miles away. He whined about how he "needed to get up there" though, but never made it.

Charley lives in a fantasy world, and he crosses the street to avoid me whenever we see each other, because he didn't like the way things ended last time.

He's a lying retard, and you shouldn't really believe anything he says. Although I see from all your posts that really, he's a loner.

I posted at his board for a while, but just to harass him, because he tried to ruin things at both the Kingdom and the Chophouse. That's some ghost town of a board. I'm pretty sure he's the only poster there, although he sets up these weird conversations with himself and hils multiple accounts to make it look like people actually post there.

It's really just him, and it looks like he's brought some of his zany alternate personalities over here.

Hopefully you don't buy his bullshit. No one ever does really.


Still in Mom's basement
I know Charley in real life. He catered my football party last year, and then bragged about how he was trolling this guy (you I guess) at this site by running "the best troll ever conceived". He was serving shrimp at my house the day he said he was at this football game in Philadelphia against the Cowboys.


Still in Mom's basement


Still in Mom's basement
I run a forum called The Chophouse, and write a lot of splatter film reviews. The site gets a lot of attention, and I really owe Jack a great debt of gratitude for helping me get it started.

I'm just here to make sure Charley sticks to the truth, because he's a liar in every sense of the word about anything he says about Jack's old Kingdom. His jealousy and hate for Jack is legend in some circles. Jack humiliated him when he kicked him out of the Kingdom, and old Charley never got over his butthurt. Jack was more than fair to him, and Charley is about as stupid as they come.
This isn't good.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
not for u, porchie...


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
for the rest of us its highly lulzy


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
yeah "Joe", read it and weep. Looks like Charles spent all that energy chasing Greg around here on a lie. He was never in Philly at all :bigass:


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
You do realize that post you linked to says absolutely nothing, right?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Wait, what am I saying. Of course you don't.
"Jack" registered as "Candle": Here's your proof old man.....Up Top.

Jack knows and that's all that matters.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
But there was no proof.

I'm just gonna go bang my head against a wall now, kthnxbai.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
Jack knows and that's all that matters.

besides i read like five posts by jack at ur hyperboard, and fuck me sideways and call me a nuns cunt he posts exactly like u charles, out of context words every other word ur lame


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
There's NEVER any proof. It's all innuendo and stupidity.

I didn't click on the link, because it looks like it's just to Charles' retarded hyperboard.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jack knows and that's all that matters.

What is it I "know" Charles? I mean besides the fact that you've been proven a liar about being in Philly last January? :bigass: