If i decide to post again, what forum should I Choose that is NOT Sarek inflicted??

This is a TEST post...nothing more. Also, why is Sarek a moderator STILL?? Menty & I used to be friends...is this an experience from another reality?? I cannot keep up!! Is Sarek Menty's butt love?? I canot keep track, but I suspect Menty needs to give a rats ass about WHO his mods ARE!! Just my OPINION!!!!!!!!


Pinata Whacker
This is a TEST post...nothing more. Also, why is Sarek a moderator STILL?? Menty & I used to be friends...is this an experience from another reality?? I cannot keep up!! Is Sarek Menty's butt love?? I canot keep track, but I suspect Menty needs to give a rats ass about WHO his mods ARE!! Just my OPINION!!!!!!!!

I think DC, MF, and the Badlands are fairly Sarek free zones.


Forever Empress E


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
christ this old turnip?


The One The Many
I love you Henoch
How could you love such a rough man Love child, with such a bar room disposition? Am I not enough for you? If I were around you would never need another.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
If you were around you wouldn't be a square.