Wow, your fur is so soft! Softer than a cats.
And I don't even use conditioner. It's naturally than soft.
Wow, your fur is so soft! Softer than a cats.
Also, LOL @ Failcumrag. What an idiot. What thread did you think you were posting in?
Lucky you! Do you lick yourself clean like a cat?
Also, LOL @ Failcumrag. What an idiot. What thread did you think you were posting in?
I see, and how does that make you feel?No. I occasionally let someone else lick me clean tho...
OH GOD! He's back.
I almost didn't notice his return with all the heavy petting going on.
aim the other way please............
Because then someone would have to lick me clean.
I'm not letting his tongue near me.
*peeps in* are you still nekkid or am I too late?I'm walking around naked for a bit.