Troll Kingdom

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If you had the Decapitated skull of RWC...

BitchSlapSmitty said:
Who are you supposed to be Martha fucking Stewart?

You don't dictate who's moldy muffin get's buttered ya read?
I'm only saying what's what. Stop being so angry over being led around like a horse to water.

Deal with it and move on.
Messenger said:
Even now you're scanning threads for his posts.

Well a member of the pyschic friends network you ain't.

I was looking for Neil's thread mentioned in the shout box.

I'll have to start one then.

p.s. stop w/ you bullshit psycho-anal lying and tellin me what to do.

When did you start sucking off RWCorky?

That's just the rock bottom.
BitchSlapSmitty said:
Touched a nerve shit lips?

Why don't you just accept it and move on eh?
You don't even see how badly he's owned you? You're attacking anyone who even hints that your little feud is one-sided in his favour.

If you don't like him using your personal info against you, then that's tough shit for allowing it to be disseminated.

What's sad is we had a decent standing with each other. Me telling an enraged BSS to get off RCW was enough to spoil that.
I don't mind that he's using my blog, it's public and he's not the first to try that method, esp. here.

So in your eyes, a lazy bastard trolls though someone's blog, which he obviously had saved cause he worships me, takes some accounts out of said blog, does a little re-write, and I'm some how owned?

Yea, that's some logic all right.

I just see you sucking his non-dick, even from when i first got back here in the shout box.

I call cocksucking what it is. Cock sucking.

Who else here have I went off on for siding w/ RWCorky? one but you is trying to lick his anus.

I'm not enraged, i'm eating chorizo and drinking beer, while talking to my girl.

I'm cool and handy as luke.
BitchSlapSmitty said:
I just see you sucking his non-dick, even from when i first got back here in the shout box.

RWC is a friend of a friend and I simple bore him no ill will. It's amazing that you would see me as nothing more than a neutral party.

Although it isn't surprising considering how badly he's trolled you that you would point fingers at anyone saying something remotely neutral about your feud.

I'm not enraged, i'm eating chorizo and drinking beer, while talking to my girl.
Yep, juggling your girl and making posts about RWC. Nope, you haven't been trolled at all!

I'm cool and handy as luke.
You can be anything you want but all you're doing in reality is digging yourself into a deeper hole.
If you distill your thought John, all you're really saying is "I'm in denial". The rest is homoerotic pee-pee and butthole talk which you ever-so-smoothly try to negate with "my girl". Ok, Johnny. Say "hi" to Cierra for me, too.
RWC said:
If you distill your thought John, all you're really saying is "I'm in denial". The rest is homoerotic pee-pee and butthole talk which you ever-so-smoothly try to negate with "my girl". Ok, Johnny. Say "hi" to Cierra for me, too.

Using my little sister's name in a post in an attempt to get a rise out of me doesn't equate trolling, it's certifiable desperation on your part. No matter what Messenger thinks.

I'm guessing you're not dreaming of sticking your dick up a man or a woman's ass, but probably into children you sick fuck.
Nope. The only desperation being displayed here is yours, with you sadly sinking back into the cesspool that is the reality of John Hunter. You have no woman, just me, and my words that enrage, haunt and weaken you.

Thanks again for being my bitch.
RWC said:
Nope. The only desperation being displayed here is yours, with you sadly sinking back into the cesspool that is the reality of John Hunter. You have no woman, just me, and my words that enrage, haunt and weaken you.

Thanks again for being my bitch.


Look at you, the claws come out and you start scratching away lil pussy kitty.

Amazing what kind of pep in your step gets you all energized w/ messenger in your corner holding the pom pom's out.

You da man Corky!

or rather, You like men Corky!

RWC said:
You're just all sorts of confused: Race, sexuality, the "special sauce" on your chin...

It's called "parody", look it up.

Nevermind. I've figured out the reason why you can't define these words you try to use or understand. You're too busy using the dictionary pages, ripping them out as spank rags.

Sad, sad, little retardo.

They called him Corky. And he never lernt to reeeeeeed.
par·o·dy (păr'ə-dē) n., pl. -dies.
A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for

Poor dummy. He doesn't realize he's not imitating anything, he's just being his sad little yellow self. Poor chigger.