Ilyanna to stop CaptainWacky's box kicking!


RIP 1970~2018
Processed meat-based product. That's where we all go in the end.

Even xtians. Sorry guys.


RIP 1970~2018
It's like if a guy who always walks on his hands were to lose them in a horrible accident. Bent but not broken, he wears shoes on the stumps turning a sad situation into personal empowerment.


RIP 1970~2018
I think the important thing to remember is not that cereal is being kicked, but that a man with no hands has struggled through adversity to become a man who can kick once again.

It's a triumph really.

It's the story of true heart and dedication.

It's a story of the steadfast durability of the human spirit.

It's the story of the man who kicks with his arms.

The Question

Well, CaptainWacky is certainly bent; that much is beyond dispute.


I want to smell dark matter

The Question

Nothing can withstand my vorpal blade!

Well... actually... it's not really vorpal. :( It''s just... sort of vorp-ISH.


Is this real life?


Is it true that Captain Wacky is capable of kicking a Koala Bear harder than any other human living on the Earth today?

The Question

Only if the koala bear has been stuffed inside a box of cereal first.

The Question

Mmmmm, Koala Krunch, now with new Koala entrails marshmallows!

The Question

CaptainWacky has been known to do it while standing on his head. Although most people aren't nearly flexible enough to do that.


I want to smell dark matter
Is it true that Captain Wacky is capable of kicking a Koala Bear harder than any other human living on the Earth today?

I could but I choose not to as I know Bill Oddie would start crying, drowning the micro-people who live in his beard.