
I'm not lazy, or stupid, or disgusting (okay maybe a little disgusting) but I'm fat. How I got here is none of your fucking business and I don't feel like typing it all out anyway. Fucking people telling me to put down the twinkies and get on a stairmaster who don't know one damn thing about me or my physical or mental issues almost make me want to reverse my stance on gun control so I can pop the little shit-stains.

I'm fat, and I don't really run very fast, so the zombies will eat me first. WHICH WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN MR. MCDONALDS WASN"T IT!!!


moral imperfection
Weapons are no solution, dear boy!!! Chances are those shit-stains will have guns, too, and that's where body measurements and the ability to move fast come into play again.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
More like "I'm FAAAAAG" L O L i'll hit you


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm not lazy, or stupid, or disgusting (okay maybe a little disgusting) but I'm fat. How I got here is none of your fucking business and I don't feel like typing it all out anyway. Fucking people telling me to put down the twinkies and get on a stairmaster who don't know one damn thing about me or my physical or mental issues almost make me want to reverse my stance on gun control so I can pop the little shit-stains.

I'm fat, and I don't really run very fast, so the zombies will eat me first. WHICH WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN MR. MCDONALDS WASN"T IT!!!

I let my impression of your role in the past affect where things are in the present, so for that I apologize. I will not insult you again.

I have had serious weight issues in the past, which I have used effective lifestyle changes to correct. It was neither easy or satisying, just necessary, if for nothing else so that I can live long enough to tell you to fuck off just one more time :D

Anyway, I will always love food, and I will always struggle with my weight as a result, so I sympathise with you. In that state of being overweight, a lot of systems come into play, so it isn't easy.

Good luck.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
I never said anything!


beer, I want beer
I'm not particularly fat, but a winter of sitting on my ass and doing absolutely nothing put a twenty on there I have been unable to get rid of, mainly because Taco Bell is a hell of a lot easier than chopping lettuce.

And THAT is the insidious plan of Mr. McDonalds of Burger King Land. (copyright c fuka all rights reserved)


Forever Empress E
When I'm fat people make remarks.
When I'm thin people make remarks.
When I'm on target I usually get sick, lose 30 lbs really fast, nearly die, etc.
So, when I'm fat I really don't give a shit and anyone who has a problem with it can go eat a sandwich as long as it isn't mine.


Pinata Whacker
I'm not particularly fat, but a winter of sitting on my ass and doing absolutely nothing put a twenty on there I have been unable to get rid of, mainly because Taco Bell is a hell of a lot easier than chopping lettuce.

And THAT is the insidious plan of Mr. McDonalds of Burger King Land. (copyright c fuka all rights reserved)

Thats exactly how I got fatter(been fat all my life) only it was years of sitting on my ass not just one winter and was more like 30-40 pounds I gained.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
The only true way to know you are fat, is when your wife pulls off her bra, throws it at you, and says jokingly "with all the weight you've put on, pretty soon you're gonna need this more than I do" :eek:

That my friend.. is when its time to visit Ballys! ;)


My previous title sucked.
If I get bigger boobs that my wife's, I'll leave her. And find another one, with bigger boobs than mine.

(not that I have a wife)

I always felt like I could never get fat, no matter what I do. But I know it's not like that.


Likes house centipedes
I've been basically hovering at slightly underweight for like 10 years now. But recently my stomach has been expanding a bit, which is odd because I haven't been gaining weight. Maybe the default go-to location for all the fat I eat switched from my butt to there?


Pinata Whacker
The only true way to know you are fat, is when your wife pulls off her bra, throws it at you, and says jokingly "with all the weight you've put on, pretty soon you're gonna need this more than I do" :eek:

That my friend.. is when its time to visit Ballys! ;)

In my case, I'd ask her to throw me some panties, a slip, pantyhose, pumps, and a dress as well.


Personally I learned I was fat when I started getting fat on my body.


moral imperfection
rofl, I'm too good-natured for this world. I always read 'hit you' as 'have sex with you' rather than 'hurt you'.