I'm Going To Church Tomorrow.


I love you
I will tell you all about it when I get back. The sermon will be about Mercy.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
What are you wearing ?


I love you
Well I was in church. But then they wanted me to register to watch the rest of the Live program. I registered, and I still can't watch. Do you think if I pray hard enough it will come back?


I love you
Do you think he'll forgive me for my impure thoughts?


Also, it said invite a friend, now I can't. This sucks. Do you think if I pray, God will send food for me and my cat this week? Will He Really Provide for me? Or just "Spiritualy?"! Someone Tell Me!

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
I put on my robe and my wizard hat.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
I enter the Church, shivering. It's empty. I spot a shadow lurking behind the confessional.


Pinata Whacker
I enter the Church, shivering. It's empty. I spot a shadow lurking behind the confessional.

I duck down, adjust my priestly collar and grab my robes. Have I been spotted? I wonder. Did they see me molesting that altar boy?. I quickly and quietly dress and stay still.