I'm going to start putting "i" in front random words, to make them sound cooler.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So today, my iAlarm clock woke me up early, so I stumbled into the bathroom, and took an iPiss in my iToilet. I figured I needed a shave, so I plugged in my iBraun Electric Razor, and had a go. After showering, I put on my iSuit and iTie, and decided to make a quick cup of coffee with my iKeurig Coffee Maker.

I headed out my iDoor and jumped in my iNissan iPathfinder, and headed onto the i10 for work. Along the way I listened to a podcast on my iPod connected to my iStereo. I got to work early and was the only one on the iElevator on the way up. I got to my iDesk by 7:15, and had my iPC up and running and answering iE-mail shortly after.

Now, I think I'll pop my iLunch (iPasta with homemade iSauce!) in the iMicrowave, and watch some iFox News.

More to iCome later.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
iFuddle sounds like a sex toy. :)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
iNever expected this iThread to generate so iMuch iResponse! iTHink iVe really hit a iNerve!


I want to smell dark matter

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
iSex, iSex, iSex with iDucks, iSex.

And my iAxe!

Too iLong, didn't iRead!
