I'm sweet enough thank you!


Is this real life?
My Dad says that and a myriad of other old fashioned phrases that sound like they've been skimmed off of Dick van Dyke dialogue from Disney movies.


beer, I want beer
The quickest way to get people to stop telling you "you're so sweet," is to reply "You think THAT's sweet you should try my penis."

Works every time.


Boobie inspector
My mum has a few sayings that are probably either northern exclusives, or exclusive to hull.

For example, if you have sisscors that are blunt she says "you could ride bare arsed to london on these"


Can I have Ops?
My Mum used to say "Do you think I came up the Clyde on a banana boat?" until I pointed out to her it might be just a teeny eeny bit racist.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
If you ask where someone is, you might get this reply: He went to pee, and the hogs ate him.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
My dad likes to say "Well, I'll be a ding dong's daddy," or "slap me silly and call me willy."

And no, he isn't being dirty.


I want to smell dark matter
My Mum used to say "Do you think I came up the Clyde on a banana boat?" until I pointed out to her it might be just a teeny eeny bit racist.

Your grannie's ran away with a black man.


Pinata Whacker
Speaking of sweet...My mom has started reading aloud the cute sayings on the Splenda packets and it reminds me of that SNL skit where Farley's character was reading the Zagat's restaurant guide aloud to Sandler's character.


Is this real life?
"FUCK MY BOOTS!!" is one of my Dad's favourites when he has a near miss while driving. If there's some clever double meaning there, I'm not getting it.


beer, I want beer
On my grandmother's deathbed, she was doped up and delirious and began to mumble some stuff so my mother tried to rearrange her legs to make her more comfortable. She kept asking "are you hot, mom?" "Can I move your legs mom?" and abruptly out of her delirium my grandmother yelled, "NO, goddammit, I said get me some water, I'm dryer than a popcorn fart!"

It was comforting to know there was still some of her in there...