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"Immigration Reform"...

The Question

Banned. a bullshit euphemism for "the privilege of breaking immigration laws and getting away with it."

That's all it is, and that's all it ever has been. And since the race card is inevitably played on behalf of the criminals on this subject: It's not racist to insist that the law applies equally to everyone. It is racist to suggest that Hispanics are somehow above the law.
And then they got their arses kicked fair and square. Openly. Honestly. Not all sort of slunk-around-behind-the-scenes-bred-out-like-they'd-been-hit-with-a-monumental-roach-infestation-y.

Plus, they then got blasted paid for what got conquered -- partially -- and the rest of the southwest Santa Ana sold us because it was his idea.

And anyway, "they were there first" isn't in any fucking law books, now is it? If I go to a car dealership, break into a cargo van and go to sleep, that doesn't mean I fucking own the thing, does it? Oh, but I was there first, wasn't I?!

The whole thing boils down to racism, you know. Not the kind of racism that goes, "Well, you're brown, so you can't come here!" They can come here just as legally as anyone else can. Note: legally. As in following the damn rules.

No, the kind of racism we get in this argument is the kind that goes, "Oh, you're brown, so you're above the law! The law applies to everybody but you!"
