In Memoriam


New Member
Neon, I am so sorry to hear this. I lost a cousin in Iraq last year at about this time, so I have some idea of how devestating it is.

My heart goes out to your and your family.

Blessed Be


New Member
He's in heaven now, b/c God knows he's already served his time in hell and won't let him go unrewarded.
Semper Fidelis


New Member
I'm glad you liked the sentiment, it's what my uncle gives me as the reason he knows he's gaurunteed a place.

I'm just sorry that I was so late in replying. We've got just a litte time left, & we're all runnin' around tryin' to get stuff inventoried & packed.


New Member
Neon- I'm very sorry for your loss, it's a terrible thing to lose a member of the family in such a way. I know I pray every night for all of the friends that I have in Bagdhad right now. I hope you and your family find comfort in the fact that he has died with honor.


Forever Empress E
{{{{{Neon's sister}}}}}