In these tough economic times


more cookies please?
Just because they don't have official miss world entrants or models, doesn't mean they don't have hot women.

One of my exes is Palaestinian, and she is probably one of the best looking girls I know.

Again, I said no cheating.
There's no point in running around shouting "I found this hot palestinian girl!", "I found this hot Lebanese girl!", "I found this hot Jordanian girl!", "I found this hot Iranian girl!" - I probably wasn't clear what I meant when I said "Arab". I don't know what the proper ethnic terms are but those examples up there belong in one group and when I say Arab I mean a different one - the one with Saudi Arabia, Iraq etc. Even within these countries you'll probably find people that belong to the other ethnic group. I know the other ethnic group has plenty of hot girls.
The one's with the ugly noses etc. You know what I'm talking about.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm sure they've got some pretty women, they just make them cover their faces all the time, so no one will ever know.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
If you want to be strict about it, I'd leave out Iraq, since they're closer to Syrian/Lebanese/Jordanian/Palestinian than they are to the people you'll find on the Arabian peninsula.

I'll admit, I may not be able to prove you wrong on this one, since everybody on the peninsula's some insane superorthodox sect - Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi, Oman is Ibadi, and the Yemenis are just huge assholes about being Shiite - so all the women do actually cover up, and you don't really have female pop singers, which is usually the best place to start looking for hot chicks.


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To add more detail:
She kinda has that Turkish look going on in that picture FBI posted. Ya know, not hideously ugly and you'd fuck her if there weren't any other women left in the world but there's just no point considering all the alternatives out there right now.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I like "that Turkish look." :(

Yeah, her website kind of changes my opinion of her, but that's just proof that Iraqis are still crazy for the overly-made-up-and-60-pounds-overweight-harlot look that Americans were into 50 years ago. She'd clean up well.

I'll have to get back to you on the rest, though. There have to be some Saudis out there who are attractive and don't dress like something out of Osama bin Laden's wet dreams.


I want to smell dark matter
I really don't see any reason why there wouldn't be hot girls from a particular "race".


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Don't really like the concept of "race" that much since it's usually all so mixed up anyway but in this case it just kinda does the job.
As far as I can tell, they're pretty much the only (major) one that just doesn't do it for me. Asians? Lovely. Indians? Count me in. Caucasians? Scandinavians? Whatever else you want to call them? Brilliant. Black people? There are some real stunners out there.
Now that I think of it, there is one other group that's kinda just shit out of luck. South-East Europeans. Eastern Europe is brilliant but the whole Balkan thing doesn't ring too many bells. May have to double-check though since I think I've seen some pretty hot Miss whatever contstants from there...


I want to smell dark matter
They're coming over here taking our miss UK jobs!