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Eternal vigilance is the price of integrity.Miranda said:Yeah, but I don't like TNA. The wrestlers over there are goobers, and everytime I go to watch it Jeff is never on!
Eternal vigilance is the price of integrity.Miranda said:Yeah, but I don't like TNA. The wrestlers over there are goobers, and everytime I go to watch it Jeff is never on!
I'll choose the one that best reflects my personality.EnglishRose said:Rommie, who is your favourite anime character - you can chose only one
I don't pick favorites. It makes me a target for those I don't pick.Miranda said:Whose your favorite poster on TK?
Dual said:Can Cows become pregnant with half Human children? Please describe in graphic detail how it would happen.
There are only so many superstars they can show within an hour. Tonight, is just not Jeff Hardy's night.Miranda said:Why is TNA not showing Jeff Hardy tonight?
It's like a Male Testosterone-Filled Soap Opera. I've been watching this stuff since I was a kid. Used to have it here in town at the Armory on Wednesday Nights.Enkephalen said:Why do so many people like wrestling? Is it the soap opera factor?