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In Which The Democrat Party Puts The Barrel In Its Mouth And Pulls The Trigger With Its Toe

Then there's Tulsi Gabbard....what the holy fucking FUCK is that bullshit all about?

She's the least crazy dog in the pack. Not to say that she's exactly a paragon of sanity, she's just the LEAST moonbat barking-monkey looney tunes of the Democrats.
All these commie cunts, man, stupid little light-in-the-loafers cock suckin' little fairy-ass little Lollipop Guild representin' bitches, man, all y'all little Lilliputian fucks need to fuck the fuck off. Especially these little midgety bitch-ass actors. Nobody fuckin' elected you cunts to anything. Shut yer fuckin' cock caves until some fuckers smarter than you -- that's writers like me -- write some intelligent shit for you to recite. Until then Oompa your fuckin' Loompa asses the fuck back to the factory and keep your cum catchers fuckin' shut.

Huh. I thought for sure that'd bring Anna over for us to ridicule, at least. Y'know, like as a tribute to El Chump, who can no longer come himself on account of he's come down with the deadness. Well, if that wouldn't bring 'em around to play, I'm stumped for what will. Somebody post up some extra sexeh donkey pics, that might do it.
Fuck it, maybe a Christmas carol will get the job done:

Have yourself a scary little Fistmas
Make the yuletide Robert De Niro
From now on, Taco Bell is what you'll "Yo Quiero"
Here we are as in moldin' days
Laundry foldin' days of YORRRRRRRE
Frightful fates which are clear to us
Will hock beer to us once more
From now on, we all will dress in leather
If the funds allow
Hang a ninja staaar upon the eye-est browww
And have yourself a scary little piss dish nowww
Are you confident enough to change your WF avatar to "Ramen is God" again if you get it wrong? (Again.) :marathon:

About the popular vote?

It’s still a ways out, but sure, I like to live dangerously. What are your proposed terms?
Yes, there is, and it has been disclosed since: Illegal aliens and dead fuckers. The Establishment's time is over, fucker. Suck it up and deal with it. The American voter has fucking had it with the corruptocracy. Tough shit for your idols, huh?

No. There is no evidence that any widespread voter irregularities contributed to Hillary’s overwhelming popular vote win.

In fact we’ve seen the opposite, that it is fraud on the Republican side that has been exposed.

I see Ancalagon has once again fucked off back to his little 'safe space'. Fucking typical. Can't hack it in a space you can't simply ban opposing voices from, can ya, ya fuckin' sissy?

You haven’t posted anything worth rebutting. Just long disproven conspiracy theories.

The facts speak for themselves. Since Trump came to power on his 45k vote electoral college win 10 state houses have flipped control. In 10/10 it has been from R to D.
You haven’t posted anything worth rebutting.

Argumentum ad lapidem. Still a lazy, cowardly fucker, ain't you.

No. There is no evidence that any widespread voter irregularities contributed to Hillary’s overwhelming popular vote win.

"No evidence" that "any"...? You sure you want to deal in absolutes like that? Is that your final answer? :joker:

Good of you to come back and play, though. But you're not in your little bubble now, Bubble Boy.
(I'm waiting for him to come back and argue some more, as if a thread on an internet medium that obsolesced over a decade ago will actually have an effect in the wider world somehow. Like, by arguing that Felonia McPantsSuit actually won -- "No, weawwy guyth, she weally did win, tho!" -- 2016 will magically be overturned and we'll all magically be poorer and every city and town in the U.S. will have "Muslim Community Patrols" -- religious fundies impersonating law enforcement while implementing a nationwide theocracy like he apparently wants, as long as it's foreign, oppressive, and violently intolerant of anybody who isn't a member. Guns, meat, any speech or expression deemed "hate speech" by the kook fringe hard left, and western civilization will be outlawed -- along with testosterone, which he won't miss. What a fuckin' utopia that would be, right?

'Cause, yep! Arguments on message boards can totally do that, y'all! It's all about finding the most pitifully ineffective board for that purpose, and then just taking yourself super seriously. :sarek:

Ive never felt this was the correct way to go about it. The smart thing to do here would be to just hold the articles and wait for the next election to see what the will of the people really is.

I can see how that's the smart... uh... -EST play. Unfortunately, that might not be strictly kosher. And it's already generating bad optics for the Democrats, according to reporting from The Hill and Politico. I do like this gem from Politico, though:

Renato Mariotti writing for Politico said:
Withholding articles of impeachment smacks of political gamesmanship and risks losing the moral high ground.

Kid, I don't hate to break it to ya: When your secretive behind-closed-doors inquiry complete with cherry-picked witnesses who witnessed exactly nothing comes off like something out of Soviet Russia fused with Deep Space Nine backstory about the frickin' Cardassian legal system, you didn't even start off with any moral high ground to lose.

After your House full of impotent pimps and their business attired Professorial whores showed up, you were at Prime Clown Show before the C-SPAN cameras started rolling, never mind what happened when the freelancers for The Peoples' Cube started beating their keyboards like kids in southern border detainment facilities. Moral high ground? The only thing high about that ground happens when recreational marijuana is finally legalized at the national level. And guess who's gonna bring that to ya? It won't be AT&T, bitch.
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The whole debacle pissed me off to be honest. If they needed something to stick (which I didn't understand anyway) they should have just gone censure.

I'm for getting the vote out to replace him. It IS a criminal organization currently installed. Hilary wouldn't have been better, and I'm glad I didn't have to make a choice thanks to being insulated with our two electoral votes in Vermont. There is no good democrat in the field. Not one, in my opinion. I wouldn't vote for Biden in this lifetime. Hated him as Obama's second and he's even a bigger Bitch now. Bernie is hopeless, although still great for Vermont as a senator (!st to legislatively legalize pot). I'd vote for a moderate republican over Trump, but not sure such a thing exists.

I think it's about turnout. The higher the turnout the more "diverse" the field becomes. I think if women took over Congress things might change somewhat.

I look at it this way. Dems are as corrupt as Repubs, one is not "better" than the other, but The dems are much more diverse as a governing population. More women, people of color, even Native Americans, as opposed to only all old white men on the Republican side with one token Black, who is retiring btw.
Biden is hilarious. I hope they run him; the debate between him and Trump would be comedy gold. Mr. Leg Hair, Roaches, & Kids On My Lap. Holy shit, SNL couldn't even top that, and I mean Golden Age SNL.

I don't see Sanders reclaiming his 2016 momentum. Pete Booty-gig is pre-Harris/O'Rourke-campaign-fold status, Warren is... I'm not sure what she claims to be 1/1024th of this week. Michael Bloomberg will have his chances shot to hell when the Bajorans figure out he's really Gul Dukat. I fully expect Felonia McPantsSuit to make a "surprise" announcement post- New Year. Being a 2 time loser already, maybe the third time's the charm that'll send her into the care of a psychiatric hospital.

And so far, all any of them is running on is a delightfuly heady little brew of Orange Man Bad and We're Just Not Pushing Fringe Kook Policies Hard Enough. Like their slightly less manic rendition of the Howard Dean holiday classic, "NNNNYYEEEEAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!! xD"

Looks to me like it'll be 4 more years of increasing prosperity and security, during which the Left will grow increasingly unhinged -- and, consequently, increasingly unelectable.
I like fish patties too!

What does the "popular vote" have to do about ANYTHING? Where does the "popular vote" factor into anything anywhere in our system of government?!

Wah. Hillary won the popular vote. Gore won the popular vote.

I like fish patties too. Both have about as much to do with the rules for electing the President of the United States.

Nah. I don't care. You've created a little echo chamber where you only hear what you want to hear. Far be it from me to rattle it. But Bush won the popular vote in 2004. How will you protect your fragile brain if Trump wins the popular vote too in 2020? Russians? Ukrainian influence? Chemtrails? :marathon:
Castle was saying that the American people are increasingly rejecting Dems. Voting history suggests otherwise.

Still holds:

Republican: Trump's win proves that the Democrats are out of touch with the American People.

Democrat: Actually it looks like Hillary is going to win the popular vote by almost 3m people.

Republican: The popular vote doesn't matter. The President is picked by the electoral college. This is how it's always been dumbass.

Democrat: I never suggested otherwise. Only pointing out that just b/c the system favors Republicans, doesn't mean the majority of the country does.

Republican: What part of the popular vote doesn't matter are you not understanding? The President has always been picked by the electoral college. You all knew this going in, only reason you're saying anything now is sour grapes.

Democrat: Yeah, I got that. I was just responding to your claim that the American people somehow rejected Hillary and the Democrats. Again, only pointing out that just b/c the system favors Republicans it doesn't mean the majority of the country does or that Trump has any sort of mandate.

Republicans: 'WAAAAAAAA, I'm a liberal being oppressed by the system, WAAAAAAAAA.'

Democrat: *walks away*

.....week later.....

Democrat: *makes policy statement*

Republican: TRUMP WON! The American people have spoken and they have rejected those policies!
Only pointing out that just b/c the system favors Republicans, doesn't mean the majority of the country does.

It actually does mean that, since what the majority of the country wants is what steers the system. For a Democrat, you don't seem to understand just how a representative Democracy works. Just because you ignore the actual majority when you're not trash talking them doesn't mean they vanish and make you the majority.
It actually does mean that, since what the majority of the country wants is what steers the system. For a Democrat, you don't seem to understand just how a representative Democracy works. Just because you ignore the actual majority when you're not trash talking them doesn't mean they vanish and make you the majority.

In the 2018 midterms Dems gained 41 seats, won the popular vote by almost 10m votes and 9%. It was the largest margin of victory by a party out of power in history.