Is any of this true?


Sinless and Purrfect
I've got the capital, but I don't have the troll savvy (or the willingness to bother getting my hands dirty). I'm looking to partner with someone who will a) know the troll landscape and b) not screw me.

I will take PMs.

Messeng0r said:
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... Have at you!" - Dracula

Greetings. Many of you know me as Messenger. Others know me as that annoying guy who never goes other. On Wordforge I am Zodiac, on other sites I am [whoops nm], and in 1400 BC I was known as Baal.

missmanners recently posted a thread at Troll Kingdom claiming she was auctioning the site off. Is this true? Let's see...

A while back missmanners had noticed Troll Kingdom would never again be the hub of trolldom. This is due to a variety of factors which include Cait and Hambil's diligent efforts at shrinking the scope of the site and Sardonica's unexpected departure.

Aside from the small society of trolls people who like to swear and talk dirty which had made its home there, Troll Kingdom became dead weight. No effort was made to revitalize the Troll in TK. More effort was put into protecting the small spamming communities. Now as far as spamming goes I say, "To each his own," and don't care what others do on the Internet.

With the existence of the Minefield secure (this is a long and complex story for another time,) missmanners' presence was no longer needed. The Minefield can maintain itself just fine, and the other fora on the site are hardly ever posted in anyway.

The people that like to say that TK's fall is predicted every year and never comes should take a look around in Troll Playground and TGFHH. It's been dead. No one ever said it had to collapse at once. Anyway, with the troll crowd having moved on and with medical problems of her own to deal with (Not terminal, no more shall be spoken of this for now,) my guess is missmanners saw no reason to hold on to TK.

Obviously the auction is a fraud - ownership of the site has already been transferred, with only some technical hurdles remaining before the new management is announced. I had already offered missmanners an exorbitant amount of money a month before she announced her decision, and I think she had already chosen the new owner back then.

The auction's purpose isn't to attract attention. Rather it's to maybe play one last joke on the membership, and to give the impression that missmanners' successor wouldn't be handpicked in advance. The timing is significant, however, because it lets TK go out with a whimper and not with a bang that would see members leaving in a huff.

Who is the new owner? I think I can answer that too.

Eggs Mayonnaise will be your new missmanners, either as miss Mayonnaise or Eggs manners. I strongly believe that he will have a partner, however. I can explain why in the future but for now let's look at the list of suspects:

Mentalist: No dice. Mentalist has been working on a big project of his own which has nothing to do with TK. I cannot reveal at this time what it is.

Sarek: A solid, stable choice who unfortunately has absolutely no reason to want to own TK other than to ban his enemies.

bad dog: Another good choice, but is more interested in trolling and troll-oriented stuff than in running Troll Kingdom.

Conchaga: This would be like appointing me. We want two owners who largely agree with each other, not a spammer and a troll.

Sardonica: Haha. Never mind.

I'm bored of listing the rest and why they won't be co-owners, so I'll just finger Hambil. As in he'll be Eggs' partner-in-crime. Eggs and Hambil will be running the show. Eggs lacks the technical proficiency to run TK by himself, and I'm pretty sure Hambil is more than eager to take the other rein.

Seeing as how mercilessly Hambil erased my Trollinomicon and knowing his general disregard for TK culture and tradition, I expect to see everything outside of the Abandon All Hope category to be reduced to a text-only version archive located in a different site directory. Maybe.

Also, The Badlands won't be around after the formal transfer. It will be absorbed into the Minefield. The entire board will become more Minefield-oriented. This isn't intended to suggest that there has existed a different standard for Minefieldians, but they make up the only part of the board worth salvaging at this point. This is a special case and not speculation as to whether or not the new owner(s) will choose to delete this forum or that forum.

Whether or not this information is taken seriously is none of my concern. This is only a placeholder for a future "I-told-you-so." :ignore:



I want to smell dark matter
I can see one bit that definitely isn't true. ;)


Un Banned
No more Badlands?:frown:

Damn shame!

That's downright depressing.

Based on some things I read in Putty Tat's OP, looks like TK will essentially become a WordForge clone:(



No-one of consequence
You thought I was kidding about buying this place, din'cha Aque?


No more Badlands?:frown:

Damn shame!

That's downright depressing.

Based on some things I read in Putty Tat's OP, looks like TK will essentially become a WordForge clone:(


You're getting locked in a forum with WordForgers, where each and every one of them is a mod, with the exception of you.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
My initial surprise is that Messy's still alive. ;)


a treat for missmanners
What about the upcoming elections they are everything....

Focus people

other then that , who care's?

I mean we've always got trollkingdomradio to run to eh? eh?


New Member
That was a lot of text for just one QSF thread.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
OH, you mean like someone throwing a temper tantrum over having read-only access to a certain sub-forum? THAT kind of whiny asshole?

No, more like the kind where, after being locked out of a certain messageboard for a couple weeks, a certain someone backpedaled their way back in and acted like it was all fake.

They then "crowed" about what a great troll it was on three different messboards like they had something no one else had.

More like that.


Pinata Whacker
No, more like the kind where, after being locked out of a certain messageboard for a couple weeks, a certain someone backpedaled their way back in and acted like it was all fake.

They then "crowed" about what a great troll it was on three different messboards like they had something no one else had.

More like that.
