I DVRd both shows and watched them later. The reunion was interesting in that Tim Gunn pulled no punches when it came to the designers' bullshit. Helen, Foreign Mustache Guy and Alexandria all come off as insane, and several of them are visibily bitter. And Tim wasn't having it. Ironically the one who seems to have grown/improved the most since filming was Ken, although he had a moment or two as well.
I watched All-Stars because OMG DEBBIE HARRY, but she was quite subdued and said very little during the runway judging. Unsurprisingly, Seth Aaron and Jeffrey did well, but the winner was indeed a surprise, especially given the edit that they gave this designer. I was sad for the designer that was eliminated, too. I may waych the season after all, since as Cassie said there's very little to watch on Thursdays. (I'l fill in spoilers if people want, but I have to log on to work right now)