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Is anybody watching the new season of Project Runway?


I actually agree with the judges about Braden's collection. It really wasn't cohesive and that's why they are judges and I am not. Also, I live in the sticks and wear t-shirts and flip flops most of the time. BUT theoretically if they ever needed a hick judge... I am in love with that beautiful print he chose, but he didn't use it very well.

I am very happy Dom won. I like her as a person, and I think she makes really nice clothes and I hope she is very successful in life... but I actually loved Alexandria's collection the most. Alexandria has a sort of grating personality, mostly her voice is annoying, but I can't deny that I thought her collection was the coolest and the one that I would most likely want to wear if I were a younger person.

I like Justin very much, but found his entire collection, besides the showstopper piece, to be very boring.

JESUS, they're not even going to give us a break before starting the "All Stars" season.
At least they realized that they couldn't have another Gretchen winner without suffering a complete fan revolt.

I'm also happy that Dom won, although none of the final collections hit it out of the park completely.

I'm not at all enthused about watching All-Stars. I can already predict what will happen -- Korto will be the favorite all season and will be built up as the designer who needs to win to correct the past, only unlike Mondo last year, they won't give her the win, and it will be a big letdown.
I watched the All Stars show even though I wasn't really planning to. There's just nothing on Thursday nights... anyway, it was weird. Alyssa Milano isn't a very good hostess, but she's not as bad as that supermodel they had hosting once before. The BEAUTIFUL Georgina Chapman is a judge again, I wonder if they will introduce her that way EVERY SINGLE TIME. I wonder who Isaac will have a crush on this season.

The challenge was to make a punk rock outfit for Debbie Harry. Most of the designers don't have a clue what punk rock is, so that was just great...

I bet Elena and Irina will kill each other before the season is over.

I didn't watch the reunion show, but I've read some comments about it. Apparently Helen is a terrible little monster, but we already knew that.
Argh, I wanted to watch the reunion show, but those are always so awkward and stuff. Missed the All Stars, probably because I don't really like any of the designers. Or at least I don't have one I'm rooting for.
I like Seth Aaron. I wonder if he'll still be able to sew circles around everyone else. I've never seen anyone on the show who could sew so fast and so good.
I DVRd both shows and watched them later. The reunion was interesting in that Tim Gunn pulled no punches when it came to the designers' bullshit. Helen, Foreign Mustache Guy and Alexandria all come off as insane, and several of them are visibily bitter. And Tim wasn't having it. Ironically the one who seems to have grown/improved the most since filming was Ken, although he had a moment or two as well.

I watched All-Stars because OMG DEBBIE HARRY, but she was quite subdued and said very little during the runway judging. Unsurprisingly, Seth Aaron and Jeffrey did well, but the winner was indeed a surprise, especially given the edit that they gave this designer. I was sad for the designer that was eliminated, too. I may waych the season after all, since as Cassie said there's very little to watch on Thursdays. (I'l fill in spoilers if people want, but I have to log on to work right now)
Tom and Lorenzo really aren't covering this season! I wish they'd put the the pictures of the clothes up, at least... but maybe they're afraid of being sucked in.
As was I, and it turns out I was right, because I sort of am sucked in now.

Hopefully next week will suck balls and I'll drop it.
If there was anything else on the tv I wouldn't watch it, but I'm going to be watching TV at that time of night, so I'M WATCHING TI. :rwmad:

Also, I like quite a few people on the cast this time.
Oh what the fucking fuck?

Why do they have an avant garde challenge when not ONE SINGLE JUDGE knows what avant garde is? They were actually discussing the wear-ability of some of the outfits! Jeffrey was flabbergasted Not only that, but the judges wanted to judge the clothes based on how like the bug they were inspired by they were, but the mentor lady went through the workroom during her mentoring telling people not to be so literal.

ALRIGHT, that was almost enough to make me stop watching... I still have the problem of having nothing else to watch on Thursdays right now, so I guess I'll still watch but this is the lowest my opinion of the show as ever been. THEY EVEN HAD ANYA ON AS A JUDGE! She criticized Daniel's choice of fabric, at least she sticks to her only talent!

Daniel should have gone home last week, for his "punk rock" pant suit with the crazy pink feather belt.. but at least they got rid of him this week. Just too bad they chose him over Andy last week.
I AM SO WITH YOU. The last thing on Earth I would ever want to do is defend Jeffrey, but he was so right to call those idiotic judges out. They were completely ignorant of the fact that this was supposd to be avant garde, meaning wearability, commercial appeal and "would I wear this" are supposed to be put aside. I was yelling at the set, too. Isaac especially is a piss-poor judge, and it was embarrassing to watch him be so honest about the fact that he was scared of Jeff. That's unforgiveable in terms of this show's past legacy.

I don't care who wins now, because whoever did will have reached the end through the most random and arbitrary circumstances.