Try answering the questions instead of going on about something totally different. I said Bush senior didn't finish the job in Iraq and oust Saddamin 91. You went off about how Osama was our friend in 91.
As we attacked Iraq in 91, I'm failing to see what Bush senior's friendship with Osama had to do with my question. Did Osama have tea with Bush and ask him not burn his buddy Saddam at the stake or something? Of course, that would have later tied Bush Jr's claims that Bin Laden and Saddam were buds that planned 9/11 together. And we all know that was bullshit.
Are you truly this dense?
First, I responded to your remark with a remark of my own.
Second, I answered your question.
Now, this is another remark on what you subsequently posted:
Osama and Bush senior were not enemies at that time. Osama was our bud against Russians in Afghanistan. Saddam was our bud in our problems with Iran. Saddam bankrupted Iraq with his war on Iran. We - meaning the US, and some of our other allies - gave Saddam WMDs. Saddam invaded Kuwait - claiming Kuwait was also Iraqi territory - to get the oil to sell to fund his continuing war on Iran. Saudi Arabia was not comfortable with Saddam invading the tiny country of Kuwait which is right next to Saudia Arabia. This is where things got sticky with Osama. Osama - who is Saudi - wanted the royals to pay him or allow him and his fighters to take on Saddam but the Saudi royals paid us - meaning the US - to get Saddam out of Kuwait. Osama is one of those Muslims that doesn't want the infidels messing with other muslims - even if he wants to kill those muslims himself - and he doesn't want infidels on Saudi land.
What happened with Saddam is he was a saber rattler and he wouldn't comply with weapons inspections. Yes, he pretended to comply at times but if you ever read the weapons inspections reports you would balk at that crap. Time after time the inspectors would go to a sight and ask to see the destruction of the weapons that had been reported stored at that sight only to be told that those weapons had already been destroyed during the Gulf War or in an accident or before the inspector arrived. The inspector would just note that and go on to the next site. Granted, some of the missing stuff was like those lame half working scuds that Saddam launched there near his own end. And, some of that stuff had a short shelf life. But, I can't help but wonder how much of that chemical crap wound up on the black market. Plus, I think if Bush and his cronies deliberately lied about WMDs, some squad arriving early into Iraq would have found WMDs - even if they had to plant the WMDs themselves. I think it is possible they exaggerated the threat level of what Saddam had to justify going in after him. However, I think toppling Saddam was a good thing to do. I think Al Qaida thought Saddam had those WMDs too and they wanted them. There was no love lost between Saddam and Osama.
Saddam extended the olive branch to us back after 9/11. If we'd have worked it right back then, we could have patched up things with Saddam, given him the opportunity to right his wrongs, and accorded at least a temporary peace between us and that region. Hind sight is 20/20.