Troll Kingdom

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Is Messenger worthless scum?

Messenger said:
Messenger is AKA Barubary, Blackbird, Neutronbomb, Chadarnook, Zodiac, Sargeras, Nyarlathotep, Sandman, and others.

Cool, okay. I think I've only seen you post as Neutronbomb though. I don't recognize any of the others.
I actually hadn't read that thread until now. Highly amusing.

I think I'll restart trolling operations there.
The Harlot said:
Crap, I couldn't take credit for either one of those, I couldn't keep up with it, haha.

Do I HAVE to be a dual of someone else on here, can't I just be me??
Actually, there are only 3 members on the board. One member doesn't post much anymore. One is Grammourboy. The third is comprised of all the rest of us as we are all Gagh's duals.

Must be haiku or something - where is Conchaga when I need him?

Anyhow, the whole thing reminds me of this bit of literature:

Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly.
All day long, he floated on the breeze
Without a thought of who he was or where he was going.
When he awoke, Chuang Tzu became confused.
"Am I a Man," he thought, "who dreamed that I was a butterfly?
Or am I butterfly, dreaming that I am a man?
Perhaps my whole waking life is but a moment in a butterfly's dream!.
This is a story of transformation"
Oh shit. Just what I need on christmas morning. The Harlot keeps telling me to be careful and nice to Eloisel, but this shitty chinese poem....

eloisel said:
Anyhow, the whole thing reminds me of this bit of literature:

What is this from Mother Geisha Fairy Tales?

Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly.

I read this and thought of crushing the little fluffer with my fist.

All day long, he floated on the breeze

He must be using StayFree Maxipads.

Without a thought of who he was or where he was going.

Do slant-eyes ever think?

When he awoke, Chuang Tzu became confused.

Stupid fucking chink.

"Am I a Man," he thought, "who dreamed that I was a butterfly?

No! You're a fucking pussy!

Or am I butterfly, dreaming that I am a man?

Someone needs to kick the shit out of you so mankind can save face.

Perhaps my whole waking life is but a moment in a butterfly's dream!.

Hey, WANG. Are you old enough to remember the Japs bayoneting your asses all over the continent?

This is a story of transformation"

Shit. Am I supposed to be touching myself about now?
Messenger said:
Why do you care?
a) you missed the operative
b) you mistake interest in a persona I see with frequency with concern over its well being
c) if I do, it is because I do. If it bothers you, tough shit.