is the new REM album any good?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Where do you do your downloading from? I've been trying "Napster Lite" lately...

rhapsody. it's a good deal if you want to try out a lot of new stuff. If I really like something I actually go to my local independent recor store and pick up the CD, especially if the packaging s nice.
to clarify, rhapsody downloads only work with rhapsody on the computer, so if you want to take the file with you yu need 1) a special kind of mp3 player or 2) to get it somewhere else
Ah, yeah... I like being able to just burn it onto a CD, or buy the album if it's a favorite group. Napster has some good out-of-print stuff, though...


Ah, yeah... I like being able to just burn it onto a CD, or buy the album if it's a favorite group. Napster has some good out-of-print stuff, though...

really? I am on a fruitless search for a reasonably priced copy of that Lost in the Stars album perhaps Ill look there.