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Israel warned off nuclear 'folly'

So if Iran attacks Israel, it's Israel's fault? I guess next you'll tell us that Pearl Harbor was America's fault, too.
I guess if you're saying that I'm wrong, you're trying to say that George Washington was wrong too. You're a shameful example of an American.
LOL I must have really gotten under your skin.

I can only apologize that you have not had the same effect on me, how many liberals have I made spitting mad, simply for existing? You're just another drop of pee in the ocean.
So if Mars were to attack the United States, which has sent countless probes to it, it would be the Martian's fault? LOL I have really trolled you.
Ogami said:
I guess next you'll tell us that Pearl Harbor was America's fault, too.

Considering that Roosevelt did everything in his power to provoke the Japanese short of an initial attack, I'd say yes.
All I see is someone shrieking spitting mad that I happen to have a different opinion than you. Am I supposed to be impressed? I laugh at you and your outrage.

Liberals go through life sputtering in continual outrage that not everyone agrees with them. As for me, I could care less if you don't agree with me. I have my opinion, and it does not require your approval. How silly would it be for me to feel otherwise?

Go PM Kefka, maybe he'll make a thread discussing how much you've pwned me.

Again, for someone whose party has just taken over congress, you don't sound happy.

Ogami said:
I am aware of that standard America-bashing argument, you took the bait.

What the fuck are you talking about, you E-4 prick? Pick up a history book every once in a while and learn something.
Ogami said:
All I see is someone shrieking spitting mad that I happen to have a different opinion than you.
All I see is someone completely ignorant of my opinion, as I assure you, it is very unpopular here, and far too much for you to ever dream of being able to stomach, my fine fellow American.
CoyoteUgly, you are quite right that Imperial Japan claimed that America was strangling their ambitions by our embargo of oil and other resources, and that was what they used as an excuse for Pearl Harbor.

However, that is not the same as it actually being true, CoyoteUgly. You should know better than to base your arguments by taking the side of Togo.

And I'm pretty sure the Chinese would have something to say to you about reading history books. Try reading what Japan was doing to the Chinese before Pearl Harbor, as part of their vaunted Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, then you can lecture me about reading up, hmmm?

But go on, tell us how Tojo and the rest of Japan's mass murderers were justified in what they were doing, justify it all. I'm eager to read your arguments.

What are you, fucking stupid?

Ogami said:
CoyoteUgly, you are quite right that Imperial Japan claimed that America was strangling their ambitions by our embargo of oil and other resources, and that was what they used as an excuse for Pearl Harbor.
You're a fucking idiot. Imperial Japan struck at the Pacific fleet at Pearl in an attempt to gain supremacy in that part of the world and in retaliation against American embargos and blatant American racist policies toward Asians that stretched back to the early 1920s...specifically the Japanese. Were they justified in doing it or not is a different matter, but please keep the historical facts correct you festering pile of dogshit.

However, that is not the same as it actually being true, CoyoteUgly. You should know better than to base your arguments by taking the side of Togo.
You're a fucking idiot. First, it's Tojo...not Togo. Togo is an African republic.

Second, a neo-con admonishing me about what's true and what's fantasy has brought screams of laughter to the Coyote household.

And I'm pretty sure the Chinese would have something to say to you about reading history books. Try reading what Japan was doing to the Chinese before Pearl Harbor, as part of their vaunted Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, then you can lecture me about reading up, hmmm?
You're a fucking idiot. What the Japs did to Nanking has absolutely no bearing on what we're discussing here... got that Mr. Red Herring?

But go on, tell us how Tojo and the rest of Japan's mass murderers were justified in what they were doing, justify it all. I'm eager to read your arguments.
You've got a long wait, you fucking idiot. Only a simple minded nazi-esque neo-con (like his philosophical brethren the raging liberal) thinks in terms of justification.
Once again, the TK crowd tries to deflect attention away from the larger issue at hand: the U. States of A was attacked. We are USA citizens and statesmenmembers. This means that if the USA is attacked and you dont support it, if you try to be fresh and criticalize, you're a traitor.

That's the bottom line here. Messenger's hate is just an excuse to act lazy.

Organic said:
Once again, the TK crowd tries to deflect attention away from the larger issue at hand: the U. States of A was attacked. We are USA citizens and statesmenmembers. This means that if the USA is attacked and you dont support it, if you try to be fresh and criticalize, you're a traitor.

That's the bottom line here. Messenger's hate is just an excuse to act lazy.


You know what's crazy? You're actually a better troll than Ogami and make more sense than he does.
Ah, well I guess that's all we'll get out of CoyoteUgly. You do realise that your endless spewing of personal insults is simply a concession to my overwhelming mental superiority. I really hate to win every political discussion here by default, but this is all I get out of you or Sarek or Messenger, or any other blowhard who is reduced to sputtering insults in the face of my historical command of the facts.

Someday I'll meet a non-conservative who can actually stand their ground and debate me on the issues without devolving to personal insults. Haven't met that person yet, but I am always hopeful no matter how many examples of sputtering liberals I come across.

Organic said:
Once again, the TK crowd tries to deflect attention away from the larger issue at hand: the U. States of A was attacked. We are USA citizens and statesmenmembers. This means that if the USA is attacked and you dont support it, if you try to be fresh and criticalize, you're a traitor.

That's the bottom line here. Messenger's hate is just an excuse to act lazy.


When was the USA attacked? Pear Harbor was a known and allowed "attack". Just like Tonkin in Vietnam and World Trade Center for Iraq. We knew what was coming, and planned to use it as an excuse to teach the Japs, the gooks and the sand niggers a fucking lesson.

The Art Of Japanese Body Arrangement.
Ogami said:
Ah, well I guess that's all we'll get out of CoyoteUgly. You do realise that your endless spewing of personal insults is simply a concession to my overwhelming mental superiority. I really hate to win every political discussion here by default, but this is all I get out of you or Sarek or Messenger, or any other blowhard who is reduced to sputtering insults in the face of my historical command of the facts.

Someday I'll meet a non-conservative who can actually stand their ground and debate me on the issues without devolving to personal insults. Haven't met that person yet, but I am always hopeful no matter how many examples of sputtering liberals I come across.

OH! OK! You're trying to troll! I get it now. Next time, let us know so that you won't come off as absolutely retarded. :lol: