Issues for Today


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
So there I was, sitting in Jhonny's pizzeria simply minding my own business, when my sister in law and her partner in crime "aka her boyfriend" both decided to gang up on me and accused me of eating "Rabbit food"

I could only assume that they were both referring to the salad that came with my pizza..which itself had no dressing which is the way I like it. I myself see nothing wrong with eating naked salad. They both tell me that "only furry animals and savages eat like that. :hmmm:

I sir, tended to be quite content with the quality of my meal, and told them that if they were offended by it, that they should go and eat elsewhere.

They both stayed in place and seemed to be quite amused at the methods from which I dined. I took no offense because that only let me see that neither of them had anything better to do with their time than to make futile attempts to harass me and spoil my appetite.

I ate well, and walked away leaving them both to their social demise..


Forever Empress E
So, the pizza issues have been a long time coming.


Forever Empress E

this is how you repay me after all I've done for you?

What's your problem?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Well, we can start with Onxy/VKD/dick’s psychological issues. That should get us through the new year….


Forever Empress E
so we're agreed then? We go our separate ways and never speak again. That's what you want right?

shame it had to come to this but it's on your head :(

I wish you all the best.
May your life be awesome.
So long.
Bye. :clap2:

Does this include all your socks too?
I might miss one or two of them.
No. It's okay.
Go ahead and go on.
I'll be okay.
You'll be okay.
Its all for the best.


Forever Empress E
Well, we can start with Onxy/VKD/dick’s psychological issues. That should get us through the new year….

The thing is its all just one big flesh wound.
