I've met someone

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I'm usually fairly private about this sort of thing, but I've finally met a very nice girl. (and yes, she is quite hot) :D The only bad part is that she lives out of state. Wish me luck.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
try to get mileage through your job, then when you come inside her, it's even more delicious.


Sinless and Purrfect
She doesn't wear those fake Star Trek ears on weekends, does she?



Forever Empress E
Good luck!


Let's be making sexy business
the hardest part of it is reigning in your expectations. make no demands on her, have no preconceptions. be glad of each encounter with her, but never allow yourself to EXPECT to see her. Be comfortable in silence with her, and be retardedly honest about who you are. above all, never fuck her best friend in the ass and then tell her about it. trust me!


No one has asked the most salient question, the question that should have been asked at the beginning of this thread, the question of importance.

I am disappointed in you all.

Dirk, is she a redhead?

Second most important question: When do we get to see her tits?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
No one has asked the most salient question, the question that should have been asked at the beginning of this thread, the question of importance.

I am disappointed in you all.

Dirk, is she a redhead?

Second most important question: When do we get to see her tits?

A fair question, Yub. No, she isn't a redhead. She's a brunette. And I'm afraid I'm the only one here that will be viewing said tits. :D

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Long-distance relationships are good in the whole feast-or-famine sense (the expression I preferred was "when it rains it pours",) but can be a strain over time. The last one turned into my marriage, but when the time came to move in together, it was feasible only because my career was far less region-locked than hers, and I was willing to relocate. Probably too early to start considering such things...either way: congrats, and good luck. Hit it like a screen door in a hurricane.


beer, I want beer
"Oh you wouldn't know her. She lives in Canada"...:phpeh: I think I heard this one before.

lol j/k dude, hope you can make that work.


beer, I want beer


Forever Empress E
My daughter is 35.


Staff member
New love is always exciting. I've been with my fiancée for 4 years and it's still fresh and new most of the time. We also have to struggle with living quite different lives and her being a medical student (almost finished now) means she has to travel to do exams and the like. Shit is never easy but you have to work hard as hell to see her every single time you can. We live together now and find it a strain on both of us even when she's away for 2 weeks.

Good luck, dude.