Lets all waste our votes like Loktar did!
FUCK YOU! I wasn't the first to vote for Failcunt. I will not be the scapegoat and take all the blame for electing Failcunt as mod. I voted for Failcunt because I couldn't decide which of my friends to vote for. I suspect most people voted for Failcunt because they realize what a sham/fake ass drama/lulz this election/modship most likely is.
I know this doesnt come as news at anyone, but I'm a take fake drama too seriously, stick in the mud, party pooper. I have herpes, clamydia, and aids.
ell oh ........ yawn
Are you sure everyone would approve of your devastating verbal assault on me?
Dont lie. You do everything from within somebody else's shadow.
Bull Shit. The second anyone tells you to chill out, and quit the infighting, you will. Then, as an apology, youll posrep me and your chastiser for the following couple of hours.Not this time. I do this solely for my amusement. If anyone else don't like it. Fuck them too!
If you like it silly, whats with the new rules including the voting?I like the Badlands as a silly spam, fake ass/real drama, cybersexxin', flirtin' forum.
As Pickle said, the MineField doesnt have a locked thread containing a list of who belongs there.Stop trying to turn this into the Minefield II. That goes for all you other h8trs too!
We don't need no seriousness here.
Bull Shit. The second anyone tells you to chill out, and quit the infighting, you will. Then, as an apology, youll posrep me and your chastiser for the following couple of hours.