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Jack Burden

^^thats what you think. comes on suddenly and without warning. You go around babbling acting like the old TIRED FOO you have become.

I am here to put it IN YO FACE!!!! I just do what the New Generation tells me. It is part of the PLOT!!!! OMG!!!! dsfg
^^yeah.....I'm real scared of him since "stealing" seems to be his "specialty". <--you see where I am going with this?? sit down, just to show you how nice I am here is a little peace offering:


Now............have you inhaled yet??? ............cause I have a BIG surprize for all of you. Call it a "Bombshell" of sorts. See this guy........Ghostrider......see the date of the posts?? Well...........he is a private investigator my lawyer hired to come over here to find out what was going on. We had just filed a malicious prosecution case against a member of this board so we could "OUT" you dogs!! Yep!! We axed for a 12-person jury be impaneled right away so everyone would know what was really going on over here. In addition to the 8/5/05 hacks that were hacked by another hack...............we had two different private investigators on the scene. One of them has an investigative reporting background!!!! See??......Jilly ain't no FOO.............I just acted insane cause you guys wanted it!!
Unfortunately...............high ranking guberment officials, Public Corrupters, senile over-the-hill faggots and certain "celebrity" types enlisted help to make sure this jury would not be formed.

As you can imagine.................this pissed me off to no end cause I wanted the forged criminal charges wiped off my record, I wanted to be reimbursed all my legal/investigative expenses, I wanted the truth to come out and I wanted to be able to seek gainful employment in the field I have invested time and money in for the last 25+ years. You see.............I paid my way through help from anyone with the exception of student loans that I finally paid off at the age of 75.

Anyway...............I have so much STUFF can all these people disappear at once???

never mind...........maybe I shouldn't have made that statement after talking to my very powerful friend yesterday.
and by "powerful" friend..............I know you guys associate power with money. This guy doesn't need money to achieve the "desired" results. I will leave it at that.


I think we are all a little racist...........wouldn't you say demon?? be honest.

anyway............back to my "powerful" friend I took my problem to...........I will say this...............a lot of people owe him.


listen honey...........I am amused by you and everything but here are some facts for guys are looking in the wrong direction. You see, Coldwell-Banker has initiated foreclosure proceedings against the ONE remaining asset I home. In an effort to stall these proceedings I have sent them a partial copy of my report showing how their agent engaged in deceptive bidness practices, violated her fiduciary obligations to me as a client, how she profited on the front/back end of my real-estate deal and how she profited on the loan since I financed my house through Coldwell-Banker. See............they made a shitload of money off me. So did Dawn.

Now.............if you have any questions.........axe Dawn Brown or Jack Burden how they contributed to this very unfortunate chain of events. In addition to trying to run some kind of lame game on me.............they terrorized me and made money!!! I would be mad at them if I were you.