Troll Kingdom

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Jack or BDM

Geedis said:
Come now, don't be so hard on yourself.
Messenger said:
What part of "No poll skewing, no duals" is so difficult to comprehend?

hmmmm - it's seems that the poll is being unfairly skewed....

we'll have to do something about that :bigass:
I actually am not that good with duals. It's usually painfully obvious that the duals are me. That's why this troll has been so sweet. For the last nine months I've basically stopped posting at the comicon gutters. What happened? They dried up and blew away, like their current state.

You guys now have to pretend I'm there to drum up any traffic at all.

I'll tell you what Bogner, name one poster I'm currently posting as at the Gutters. Just one that you really think I am. Instead of this pussy bullshit. Name one, and I'll start discussing things with you again.

Otherwise, fuck you in the neck.
So is the purpose of this thread realized yet, or are we still arguing about it :)
Nigga, please. jack's a 50-something waiter who resembles a shorter, fatter, balder George Costanza. He's been fired for posting on message boards in the past, and, oh yeah, he's a fucking 50-something waiter. jack can "pwn" me all he wants on this message board, I R WINNER in real life! :)
Panda said:
no wai! is this true jack?

There isn't one thing in BDM's post that's accurate past or present. Except I'll be 52 at the end of the month.

I challenge him to prove any of the rest of it :)
And d00d if it means nothing, why the "landslide by yours truly"?

You're just a sore, jealous loser :bigass: