jail the pope


Fucked Bunny
you've seen the vatican flailing around on the news,

trying to blame the media for bringing to popular attention the obscenities their nominated "trustees" have been perpetrating on innocents for almost two thousand years,

they've been raping kids then getting them to swear a vow of silence, how disgusting,

the present pope was a member of the hitler youth, he's also the vatican's latest paedophile apologist,

isn't it time we brought these criminals to justice ?

they've been hiding their disgraceful, very human acts, behind the shield of their "god" for far too long..

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
I agree. The catholic church is a disgusting and vile piece of work that has caused absurd amounts of harm to humanity and continues to do so.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Let's see if you are right, Sarek:

Supporting torture of others? Yep.

Covering up crimes of moral turpitude while pushing "family values"? Yep.

Using politics to further a religious agenda? Yep.

Yeah, I guess I don't need to go on. You are indeed correct.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
There is the small detail of trying to jail a head of state. It's far more complicated than picking up a random thug, you know.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He's pretty easy to spot, though


Fucked Bunny
just to update,

he's now in a new storm of shit,

his "don't rock the imaginary god boat, kiddy fiddlers might miraculously reform" policy just didn't pan out,

let's see this arch pedo apologist in jail,

dismantle this ridiculous "religion" idea and throw it into the scrap bin of human intellectual evolution..