James Bond 22: Skyfall


Let's fuck some shit up
The trailer dropped yesterday. It's gonna be presented in IMAX 3d. The first Bond film in that format. Should be a fun ride. I hope it's better than Quantum of Solace. I like Craig as bond. Not sure I like his new buzz-cut, tho.

My only wish is that they do more work with SPECTRE. If done right, it could be one of the best Bond films yet. Considering that they took four years to release it (the average from Eon is usually every two years), it better be good.

Could someone post the trailer in here. I'm on my phone at the moment.


Is this real life?
Somehow this new, stripped back Bond doesn't feel like it should be seen in 3D.

Looks interesting so far, though. I'm glad they're not telling us the whole plot in that trailer (or any of it, infact).


Let's fuck some shit up
There's a brief synopsis on the official website. Basically, it goes like this: M's mistakes/past/ex-bf starts killing MI6 agents. Bond has to track down the bad guy, kill him, and probably have a hot Bond girl killed in the process.

I made a mistake. It's not in 3d. Just IMAX. Still, should be a visual epic on the scale of GoldenEye or The World Is Not Enough. Without being so gadget-heavy.

Second mistake I made was mis-counting the number. This one is 23. I forgot about Lazenby's Bond being an Eon film. Technically, it's the 25th Bond film, if you count Thunderball and the first Casino Royale.

I'm hoping that with the release of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, they take a much more intense view of the British spy trade and how a good spy story is written. They barely scratched the surface of that type of story in the beginning of Quantum. Then, they hired a room full of monkies with typewriters.


Boobie inspector
Thunderball was always counted, maybe you are thinking of the remake, never say never again.