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Mrs. Big Dick McGee
So as you all well know my ex sister-in-law took off and abandoned her children and since my parents, my brother (to an extent) and myself have been raising the children.

Yesterday my brother was served with papers stating that my ex sister-in-law's brother is filing for gaurdianship and immediate custody of my niece and nephew. Now, I gotta tell you kids, I wouldn't be opposed to having someone else raise these children, old L_G here is TIRED but there's no way on God's green earth it's going to be that nutty sack of crap.

Here's a little history on my ex sister-in-law's brother. In 1997, shortly after he found out that his wife was very unexpectantly pregnant with their second child he took off, just disappeared off the map for 2 days (sound familiar?) and was found curled up in the fetal position naked and crying in his daughter's bedroom, he did a stint in the psych ward for that. Not long after that he went into some sort of psychotic rage and broke the door down at his father's house and demanded $5,000.00 cash or he was going to kill himself and again was admitted for psychiatric treatment. Things had settled down for a while and then one afternoon we got a frantic call from my ex sister-in-law, her brother had driven his truck off a freeway overpass, we later found out that this was a suicide attempt. I ask you, would you entrust the care of any child member of your family to this lunatic and his passive wife? Anyone in the kind of denial this man's wife is ought to be in a mental care facility themselves.

The real kicker, my ex sister-in-law signed papers saying that she would like for her brother to have gaurdianship of her children. Oh wait...I left out the part where the CHP found her at a rest stop off a highway acting strange hearing voices and seeing things that weren't there. My ex sister-in-law is finally where she belongs, a mental and behavioral health institution. All that said I don't think she's the authority on who should be raising the children.

Thoughts everyone?
alright, now that's bullshit. A family with as many document cases of Psychological disorders as them should have no access to those kids at all. The mother already abondoned them, and the Brother sounds like a real winner himself.

My thoughts, get the kids as far away from them as fast as you can and keep them away. With their track record, there's more then a good chance that they will do something bad, and it will involve the children.
LG's not really worried that her ex-cunt-in-law's family will get custody. It's more that she's upset that her family-who has been caring for the kids and loving them since their Mom wen't cukoo for cocoa puffs-now has to get an attorney involved and waste their time and money contesting a bullshit filing.

LG's good sister-in-law said it best, "Jesus Christ can't these people pick up a fucking phone and call? Why do they always have to file court papers?"
Great idea DS.

Sorry your family is going through that LG. Though if anyone remotely sane even looks at those papers and then the family background, there shouldn't even be a court date.
Big Dick McGee said:
LG's not really worried that her ex-cunt-in-law's family will get custody. It's more that she's upset that her family-who has been caring for the kids and loving them since their Mom wen't cukoo for cocoa puffs-now has to get an attorney involved and waste their time and money contesting a bullshit filing.

LG's good sister-in-law said it best, "Jesus Christ can't these people pick up a fucking phone and call? Why do they always have to file court papers?"

Yep, the case is BS, but it's a crime that you have to spend time, money and tears even dealing with this mess.

I'd hug you L_G, but this is TK and well... you know. ;)
People that call their lawyer instead of calling you directly are the same people who call the cops and issue restraining orders against their "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" as a means to end any given argument.

I've known a few of these people. They are the worst parents. It's a bitch what you're going through particularly the legal end but the kids have the best shot of being stable adults because your fighting for them.
The filing for child support is a good counter, really.

Just remember, when you show up for court, don't bring the children.
Ok. That used to be sort of a problem for me. I have such a high sex drive, that when I was dating, any kind of hug or especially kissing would give me a raging hard-on.

I remember one time I was comforting a girl I really liked (it was like our second date) about the death of one of her kittens, of all things. Sure enough, I was hugging her and I had to pull away a bit because-you guessed it-the smell of her and the proximity of her skin got me aroused. I know, it's awful, but it's not like I could help it!!
I appreciate all of your support, it's always nice to hear I'm not just nuts. I wish I could post my ex sister-in-law's brother's statement, it's a doozie. Let me tell you, you can say absolutely anything you want in a statement and apparently it can have nothing to do with the truth at all or it can be whatever you want to believe is the truth. Good fictional reading.

The problem is lawyers will file anything for money. I know that my ex sister-in-law's brother has no rights to those children, we've already been through this when my parents and I wanted to see the children and my ex sister-in-law wouldn't let us. The fact is those wack-a-loons would have to prove my brother an unfit parent and though he's a worthless sack of shit the people actually raising the children (my parents and myself) are fantastic parents. My ex sister-in-law's brother can't prove we're the people raising the children and because of that my brother comes out smelling like roses.
^^^When you appear before a judge in Family Court, are you sworn in? Are you compelled to tell the truth at the risk of perjury? What happens if the judge finds out your affidavits and court papers contain nothing but lies? Can you be held liable for wasting court time??
Not to be a prude but this shit going on between Cait and BDM is really inappropriate in this thread, take it elsewhere please.

As for filing for support, that's what started this whole goddamn mess. My dad told my brother to see if my ex sister-in-law had any savings before she got canned so as to contribute to feeding and clothing the children and my ex sister-in-law's mother took that as my brother or the family being unable to suppport the children. The mother then suggested that maybe her son and his wife could take the children if we can't afford them. A joke, my parents do quite well and have no trouble affording the children we just thought that for once in my ex sister-in-law's looney life she might like to take some responsibility for her children.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^^When you appear before a judge in Family Court, are you sworn in? Are you compelled to tell the truth at the risk of perjury? What happens if the judge finds out your affidavits and court papers contain nothing but lies? Can you be held liable for wasting court time??

Not really, my ex sister-in-law made a statement against my brother and when questioned under oath turns out it was not true, nothing happened.
I apologize for hijacking the thread. It was insensitive, and I hope you accept my sincere apology. I tried to edit my posts out, but it's too late. Sorry.

That's fucked up that you can just lie in your statements and not get punished for it. That means you can basically make up charges against someone, get a lawyer to sign off on it, and get your day in court. That's just wrong.

Keep us all updated as to what's going on, and anything you need, you know you got it.