Just in case


Forever Empress E
You were hitting on me? Wow, if I was questioning the type of people I was attracting before, now I've got serious doubts about my appeal. I mean, attracting tea drinking internet using mice?

The guy that invited me to church showed up at my office today. I was busy in a staff meeting. I hope church guy doesn't turn into a stalker.


You were hitting on me? Wow, if I was questioning the type of people I was attracting before, now I've got serious doubts about my appeal. I mean, attracting tea drinking internet using mice?

The guy that invited me to church showed up at my office today. I was busy in a staff meeting. I hope church guy doesn't turn into a stalker.

Oh shit, it's not like I was planning on stalking you or anything like that...nothing to see here...just mice.


beer, I want beer
You were hitting on me? Wow, if I was questioning the type of people I was attracting before, now I've got serious doubts about my appeal. I mean, attracting tea drinking internet using mice?

The guy that invited me to church showed up at my office today. I was busy in a staff meeting. I hope church guy doesn't turn into a stalker.

It's probably GANK Master. LORD knows you need to PRAY...


Forever Empress E
Ahhh ... had to look up Gank Master to get the joke. GM is one of Jack's toys.

Actually, the guy I referred to above is a person that lives in my town. We've just barely met. He seemed to be a nice man and I was considering going to his adult Bible class this coming weekend. I went to that church with my family when I was a kid. The church has grown along with the city and I am interested in seeing what it is like inside now. However, him coming to my work is a bit creepy. He may be curious to see the inside of where I work. Many people are. It would have been nice for him to call me, though, and ask if he could come up for a visit. It is where I work, not my living room.


beer, I want beer
I find religious people in the evangelistic segment tend to have trouble with boundaries. That whole "gotta save the heathens" mentality...some can be very pushy.