Just watched a couple of episodes

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Watched Day 19 (the day before Sisqo and Stephen got the boot).

My thoughts: Vinnie is an asshole. I want him to drown in the toilet.

Watched Day 22 (Nicola and the Tree of Temptation).

My thoughts: Vinnie is an asshole. I want him to drown in the toilet.

Also, I like Stephanie more and more. But I want Nicola to win, even though she's probably gone soon. Jonas is still alright with me, and the others kind of blend into one forgettable housemate.

The edited UK show can drag at times (zzzz), but I don't know if I prefer the US show, which is over-edited and over-dramatized to the point where the facts are skewed.

I guess I need to watch that other show, the after-show, what is it? Help a brutha out here...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I guess that's it. I've only been downlo--er, viewing the hourlong recap shows.


Is this real life?
BBBM isn't really that worthwhile, it's just like reading the threads here, only every comment is preceded by Davina gurning or making a gratuitous joke about her tits. "Yes, that's right, I SAID TITS!"

I haven't seen yesterday's episode yet, but the previous day Stephanie actually said a lot in the diary room that disappointed me. We all knew she was a bit snobbish, but she took it to an extreme.


I want to smell dark matter
Friday's Big Mouth was actually good thanks to having Stevie B and Sisqo on it. Same with Sunday's BBLB.

I like that everyone seems to be noticing Vinnie's odd behaviour at last. Alex has openly called him arrogant, Stephanie's disagreed with him about Sisqo and even Dane's started pulling faces at some of his comments.


Is this real life?
Yeah, I saw Friday's Big Mouth and did enjoy it, with the exception of that idiot rapper "Envy". I'd like to think they only bring those people on as some ironic humour, but I know that really, they think they're good.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, it's like they go for the shittest acts possible. I was actually impressed when they got Basshunter to play on the final night last year (of course now we know his manager probably told him he'd be playing in front of 20,000 people.)


Staff member
I don't know why they insist on making BBBM as chavvy as humanly possible. I don't watch it anymore it's a pile of shit. The days of Russell will never be recaptured and Davina trying to pull off being wacky and crude is too cringe worthy to bear.

Why can't they just bring back Big Brothers Big Brain. That show was actually good.


I want to smell dark matter
Because Endemol or 4 tried to use Big Brain to say that Shilpa "deserved" the treatment she received via Darmot to a shocked reaction from the studio psychologist so they had to quietely cancel it. And not enough wank jokes.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
wacky has nailed it there.