Cassie Touching the monolith Staff member May 14, 2008 #182 If you tape a duck it becomes duck tape, mofo.
Yub Anachrophobic May 14, 2008 #183 NEVAR!! Besides, I use heavy duty straps to secure my ducks firmly!
Yub Anachrophobic May 16, 2008 #186 Sometimes, just to mix it up a little, I like a nice big honking goose.
Cassie Touching the monolith Staff member May 16, 2008 #190 How come the karma box doesn't pop up in front of the youtube video? I NEED ANSWERS AND POPCICLES.
Eggs Mayonnaise All In With The Nuts May 17, 2008 #191 *looks down* Hmm, looks like it's about time I shore the sheep too...
Cassie Touching the monolith Staff member May 17, 2008 #193 Dammit.. that should be THEY'RE GRRRRRREAT!! OMG.. lol I probably spelled they're there or their WHY CAN'T WE EDIT KARMA COMMENTS?!!!
Dammit.. that should be THEY'RE GRRRRRREAT!! OMG.. lol I probably spelled they're there or their WHY CAN'T WE EDIT KARMA COMMENTS?!!!
I Love Cunt Watch It May 17, 2008 #196 Karma in hopes that Dr Dave returns and Karma for me mistaking Monday for the 17th or something like that.
Karma in hopes that Dr Dave returns and Karma for me mistaking Monday for the 17th or something like that.
Gagh Χριστόφορος May 18, 2008 #199 Founder/Administrator, The Troll Kingdom (A 100% Free Speech Message Board)