Katrina evacuees living on a cruise ship at our expense!



This really REALLY annoys me. Why do people still think they need a handout after 6 months? Any sympathy I had for them even a couple of months ago is rapidly fading. Every time I see an article about this... with people crying "gimme gimme" six months later, I remember a news report I saw back in September. Local Charities in Cleveland had set up emergency shelter for up to 150 people, lined up apartments for 30 families, arranged for employment and chartered 2 jets to bring evacuees from the Gulf area. Guess what? None ONE single person accepted this offer. I'm sure this isn't isolated. Are those people entitled to room and board at the expense of the taxpayers until the day the taxpayers also rebuild them a house in the same spot their old one stood?

Yeah, I heard about this, The cruise lines get cash directly from the gov't because they can't use their ships for regular passengers. They told the gov't they needed some outrageous amount per person, and the idiots agreed to it!
And they will probably have to gut and completely rebuild the ship when they are all evicted. I mean, look at what those animals did to the convention center and the superdome.
RobL! Those people were treated like animals! The conditions there were horrific, though very exaggerated by the media. There were no mass gang raping hordes or anything like that. Just miserable suffering people starving and getting sick.

Fucking awful that such things happen in the US in the year 2005. I blame Bush, naturally.
BlazerBoy said:
Yeah, I heard about this, The cruise lines get cash directly from the gov't because they can't use their ships for regular passengers. They told the gov't they needed some outrageous amount per person, and the idiots agreed to it!

Which only goes to show how badly the government is being managed. Meanwhile FEMA mobile home trailers sit empty in Arkansas. It's the "Peter Principle" at it's finest.
(to blazerboy)^ Yeah. Right.

I saw pictures that weren't released to the general public. There is a reason why its taking a year for them to decontaminate and rehabilitate the superdome, and its not hurricane damage (hell, at one point they thought that they wouldn't even be able to repair it). When the plumbing stopped working, one would have assumed that they would have set up latrine areas and used trash cans, not flung it all over the place. One would assume that they had set up a morgue area to keep the bodies in, not mutilate them in horrific ways.

I'm not saying that they were all animals. But a significant portion were, and that's what people will remember.
missmanners said:

This really REALLY annoys me. Why do people still think they need a handout after 6 months? Any sympathy I had for them even a couple of months ago is rapidly fading. Every time I see an article about this... with people crying "gimme gimme" six months later, I remember a news report I saw back in September. Local Charities in Cleveland had set up emergency shelter for up to 150 people, lined up apartments for 30 families, arranged for employment and chartered 2 jets to bring evacuees from the Gulf area. Guess what? None ONE single person accepted this offer. I'm sure this isn't isolated. Are those people entitled to room and board at the expense of the taxpayers until the day the taxpayers also rebuild them a house in the same spot their old one stood?


Come on MM, you should know better! These people were perfectly happy sucking on the Government teat in squalor in New Orleans. Why would they want to *shudder* work for a living when they can live it up on a Cruise Ship? Of course they expect the Gub'mint to build them a spankin' new home...which they'll promptly trash within months of occupying.

Christ, I'm surprised these parasites aren't asking for more $1,000 cash cards! You know, to buy some bling-bling.
Even if that is the case, it isn't really because people are animals. In my English class last year I hosted a debate on the morality of looting and why it takes place, and the bottom line I came to was that the "Lord of the Flies" condition exists within all of us. When civil order breaks down, that inherent tendency to do things we normally wouldn't do just takes over, and the most straigh-laced of people might find themselves running down main street pushing a big screen TV and a mattress from Macy's, while the preacher down the street is throwing buckets of stinking shit against a police station wall.
^^Not true. The areas of Mississippi that were hardest hit were largely white. There was some looting of food (perfectly acceptable, and not even against the law in those circumstances), but the only instances of outright looting of televisions, jewelry, clothes (again, acceptable) were done by poor blacks! Believe me, the Liberal media would have LOVED to show Johnny white-boy walking down main street with stolen jewelry and a flat-panel tv. But it didn't happen.

Tell me, WTF are you gonna do with 15 pairs of Nikes and three big-screen televisions when your fucking house is under water? That stuff will just slow you down. It speaks to the mentality of the po' country nigger: "Im'a get me mines while de gettin' is good!"
Big Dick McGee said:
Come on MM, you should know better! These people were perfectly happy sucking on the Government teat in squalor in New Orleans.

And why is it an either/or situation. Regardless of how the victims of Katrina have behaved, the government still has responded poorly to a natural disaster. Something of this magnitude simply does not happen without a LOT of people dropping the ball.

It's a nightmare beginning with each individual who can't accept that their old life is *over* and to forge ahead, all the way up to the government who can't seem to manage itself in a time of crisis.

It's not one or the other. It's not a case of the victims sucking up our tax dollars the government's off the hook. It's bad management of our tax dollars to let those victims just sit back and suck it up. I'm sick to death of people pointing a finger to people who are on government doles when it is the politicians who dole it out and nothing ever seems to get accomplished with our dollars.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^Not true. The areas of Mississippi that were hardest hit were largely white. There was some looting of food (perfectly acceptable, and not even against the law in those circumstances), but the only instances of outright looting of televisions, jewelry, clothes (again, acceptable) were done by poor blacks! Believe me, the Liberal media would have LOVED to show Johnny white-boy walking down main street with stolen jewelry and a flat-panel tv. But it didn't happen.

Tell me, WTF are you gonna do with 15 pairs of Nikes and three big-screen televisions when your fucking house is under water? That stuff will just slow you down. It speaks to the mentality of the po' country nigger: "Im'a get me mines while de gettin' is good!"

Oh please. Race wasn't even a factor in this conversation until just now. You had to go there, didn't you? :D :roll:
Caitriona said:
Which only goes to show how badly the government is being managed. Meanwhile FEMA mobile home trailers sit empty in Arkansas. It's the "Peter Principle" at it's finest.

And those private charities/individuals who donated only to have a nose turned up at the offerings (hopefully some local homeless people benefitted) are also having their pockets picked at tax time to fund the empty trailers. Anyone who saw the TV coverage knew the city couldn't be cleaned up, let alone rebuilt in 6 months. Of the hundereds of millions spent to rent temporary housing and these people still have no place to go... think of the housing that could have been BUILT with that money.

This is a capitalist (mostly) country and it's time we stopped acting like a socialist one Business people need to be put in charge of these things, not politicians.

^^Not true. The areas of Mississippi that were hardest hit were largely white. There was some looting of food (perfectly acceptable, and not even against the law in those circumstances), but the only instances of outright looting of televisions, jewelry, clothes (again, acceptable) were done by poor blacks! Believe me, the Liberal media would have LOVED to show Johnny white-boy walking down main street with stolen jewelry and a flat-panel tv. But it didn't happen.

Tell me, WTF are you gonna do with 15 pairs of Nikes and three big-screen televisions when your fucking house is under water? That stuff will just slow you down. It speaks to the mentality of the po' country nigger: "Im'a get me mines while de gettin' is good!"

Trust BDM to turn a tragic natural disaster into a vehicle for race baiting.
I can't recall who said it, however:

"Every society is subject to break-down within 10 missed meals."

Why are we even rebuilding this city where it is? Levy off the historic quarter, most of which is 9 feet ABOVE sea-level, and the port. Then build a rail-link between it and "New New Orleans" about 25 miles up-stream. Hire all of those "displaced" people, send 'em to job camp to learn a trade and then set them to work building the rail-line and the new city or demolishing the old city and restoring the wet-lands. You don't work, you don't get a hand-out.
Soon, you have a new city, and a population with viable work skills they can either use locally or take with them if they want to move. If you finish the job-camp, and work for 2 years (for room and board), then you build YOUR new house, that's your pay. Then you move on to the next city project, hire privately for the next job, or sell the house and move with your work-history to greener pastures.
It's diginfied, productive, and the tax-payer receives value for his/her investment.

And why didn't we put these people on LPD's or military troop ships instead of cruise liners? They are sanitary, but cramped and un-comfortable, so people would not want to hang around on them.
Ironclad said:
I can't recall who said it, however:

"Every society is subject to break-down within 10 missed meals."

Why are we even rebuilding this city where it is? Levy off the historic quarter, most of which is 9 feet ABOVE sea-level, and the port. Then build a rail-link between it and "New New Orleans" about 25 miles up-stream. Hire all of those "displaced" people, send 'em to job camp to learn a trade and then set them to work building the rail-line and the new city or demolishing the old city and restoring the wet-lands. You don't work, you don't get a hand-out.
Soon, you have a new city, and a population with viable work skills they can either use locally or take with them if they want to move. If you finish the job-camp, and work for 2 years (for room and board), then you build YOUR new house, that's your pay. Then you move on to the next city project, hire privately for the next job, or sell the house and move with your work-history to greener pastures.
It's diginfied, productive, and the tax-payer receives value for his/her investment.

And why didn't we put these people on LPD's or military troop ships instead of cruise liners? They are sanitary, but cramped and un-comfortable, so people would not want to hang around on them.

Too sensible! ;) I believe something similar was suggested more than once and according to whatever NPR talk radio I was listening to at the time, this is considered forced labor and too close to slavery (actually which ever person was ranting on and on about the horrible conditions the poor unfortunates would be working under just to get what the government owed them anyway, kept using the word slavery over and over and over). Instead it seems there are quite a few illegals employed by subcontractors... gosh imagine that....

BlazerBoy said:
Oh please. Race wasn't even a factor in this conversation until just now. You had to go there, didn't you? :D :roll:

He wouldn't be able to go there if he weren't following the trail of stolen goods. ;)
Octavian said:
There's more of that "well presented argumentation"..nope, no ad hominems here

Actually, there aren't any ad hominems. Maybe you should review your logical fallacies.

Really, Peter, you should find a more worthwhile hobby than defending the TK racists. You jump all over my rather tame remarks, but give BDM's vicious racism a pass. I'd rethink my priorities if I were you.