Keith Olbermann smacks down Citizen Bush


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Valhallan Ambassador
Olbermann is a treasonous hate-America fucktard who should be taken out and shot, not for being a treasonous hate-America fucktard, but for wasting all that cable bandwidth for his audience of 12 viewers.


New Member
That's odd. I didn't get that impression from the clip... Are you sure we're talking about the same person?


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New Member
I didn't see that in the vid.


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"This is diplomacy by skimming; it is internationalism by drawing pictures of Superman in the margins of the text books; it is a presidency of Cliff Notes."

LOL. Finally a journalist who says what everyone is thinking.

Mr. Bush, the question is no longer "what are you thinking?," but rather "are you thinking at all?"

Youtube clip at link.


New Member
It's ironic that Bush still talks about winning in Iraq, when in reality it's gotten so bad that all sects of hostile Iraqi militias are right outside the gates of the Greenzone inside Baghdad. It's been reduced to literally a street fight, not a fight to secure a country. The only strategy Bush has is to hang on & not have the Marines evacuating Americans from the embassy roof, until after he leaves office. That will be his "victory".