Laker_Girl and Other CAers...

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
How do you like your spics these days? 500,000 in one place???! What the hell, were there free burritos at the end of the march or something?

Funny that the spics in Arkansas...of which there are many...are pulling this crap. Probably because they're busy working right now.

I keep watching this stuff on the news, looking at pics on news websites, and you know what I don't see? Hungarian immigrants, Russian immigrants, Irish immigrants, Pakistani immigrants, Arab immigrants, Chinese immigrants, Korean immigrants, Vietnamese immigrants, Philipino immigrants, etc., in these marches. Know why? They came in through the front door and have no dog in this fight.
It should yet doesn't affect me. I live in the county right next to San Diego county so the spics pass through on their way to L.A.

Mexicans here is like blacks in Philly, they're everywhere yet you don't really notice them because it's always been that way.

I think these protests are ridiculous and a total waste of time. Nothing real has ever or will ever be done about border security.

As for how they get in, I don't know. Perhaps it's the shitty, asleep on their feet border patrol agents? I had to answer fifty fucking questions when my mexican American friend, who couldn't speak Spanish to save her life and is perhaps whiter than myself even and I wanted to leave Mexico after a short pharmacutical visit. But every Juan, Ricardo, and Jose can sneak through vertually unnoticed.

That's life, question is why don't any Mexican restaurants in the US offer pineapple with salt, lime and chile powder, it's DA-LICOUS!
You make it sound like demographics are static in a nation. It won't be long before you are a minority, Laura.

What does 'run a train' mean, anyway?
^^And?? What exactly do you think I should do about it? I vote, I do my part, now what? Walk out in protest? I have to work so that I can support all of the bastards the illegal spics have in my state and since my Governor and President don't find that a problem well then guess what, I'll vote differently next time. Lesson learned.
Messenger, you act like being a minority is a good thing. Fact is, all Americans will be minorities in 10 or 20 years. And fucking Liberals like Friday are encouraging it.

See, when you start to preach multi-culturalism as a good thing, you encourage people to stay isolated within their own culture, rather than assimilate into the American culture. That's why you get large segments of the United States population who are unable to speak, read or write English-and they can live and work perfectly fine!

Eventually, what happens is you have de facto segregation. You'll have ever-larger areas in the United States where English is never spoken.
You know, it's real funny. Read the editorial pages of 100 years ago when people were whining about all the filthy dago's invading our shores. Go back 130 years and read about the damn potato pickers.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.
^^The difference is, the Micks and the Wops and the Jews and the Krauts didn't isolate themselves from other Americans. They embraced the American culture-from hot dogs to baseball to the 4th of July-while keeping aspects of thier own culture alive. Today, you can't tell an Irish-American from a Polish-American from an Italian-American, unless you know their last name. They're just plain Americans.

This doesn't appear to be the case with Spics. DS, when's the last time you looked around Norristown? There are entire neighborhoods where even the kids don't speak Spanish. The kids can't get by in school, so what happens? They start giving lessons in Spanish. Pretty soon, within 5 years, Spanish will be the dominant language in Norristown (except for at the Courthouse). You'll be able to live, work, shop, and die in Norristown without ever needing to speak a work of English.
DarthSikle said:
You know, it's real funny. Read the editorial pages of 100 years ago when people were whining about all the filthy dago's invading our shores. Go back 130 years and read about the damn potato pickers.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

With the exception being: those people came through the front door.
I was actually in Downtown LA saturday when all that shit went down.

No real trouble, just a lot of people. Mostly famliys with kids. But it could have gotten real ugly. 9000 cops. 500,000 mexicans. Do the math.
And it pisses me off that the news insists on calling them "immigrants". They're not immigrants if they sneak over the border, they're invaders.
And all the sudents are protesting today by walking out of school. It was kind of funny to watch it on the 11 am news. It took five mexicans to help this one girl to climb over the chain link fence. I mean, she couldn't climb a fence to save her life.
This isn't about race, Friday -- at the very least, it doesn't have to be. These people are invading this country, and what it is is what it is, regardless of their ethnicity. Their ethnicity is just something those who defend their illegal occupation use as a justification for it and a way to silence anyone who opposes it, and that's just as racist as using it to say they shouldn't be here. The reason they shouldn't be here is because they broke the law by the way they got here and because of the damage they do to local economies once they are here, not because of the color of their skin.

It's also a pretty disgusting double-standard that says they can be racist against American citizens by converting entire neighborhoods into Mexican colonias, but American citizens are so much more the villain for opposing that practice on similarly ethnic grounds.
^^That's ignorance on his part, plain and simple. Americans won't refuse to do those jobs; they simply aren't available to Americans, because businesses from corporations to the little Mom'n'Pop operations can pay illegal employees a fraction of legal wages. American citizens, who would have to be paid legal wages, can't compete with that. As a result of lower pay going to illegal employees, less money circulates in local economies where this practice is commonplace, which decreases local profits for these companies, which forces them to rely more and more heavily on illegal labor. Meanwhile, the surrounding economy slowly dies. It's a rot, and there's no other word for it. It is a rot.