Las Vegas slot machines are more trustworthy than electronic voting machines.

You guys lost. Twice. It's been a year and a half now. GET OVER IT. Jesus H. Christ, when Slick Willie was beatin' his Republican counterparts like a red-headed stepchild, you didn't hear us whinin' about bad voting machines.

Christ, Democrats are pussies.
Slick Willie didn't have the CEO of Diebold saying publically (and proudly) that he'd fine-tune his voting machines to swing an election.

This isn't paranoia, it's reality that the party in power is keeping at bay, but for how long? I think not much longer. Pride goeth before a fall...
Big Dick McGee said:
You guys lost. Twice. It's been a year and a half now. GET OVER IT. Jesus H. Christ, when Slick Willie was beatin' his Republican counterparts like a red-headed stepchild, you didn't hear us whinin' about bad voting machines.

Christ, Democrats are pussies.

A) You voted for Slick Willie, twice, so what's this "us" you're referring to?

B) All voting is tallied by a machine in some form or another. My county was the first county in the nation to have electronic voting and I, quite frankly love it. It's fast, easy to read and you can review it just like any other form of voting. Also there's no chance that one of your paper voting slips will get lost, that's a plus.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Slick Willie didn't have the CEO of Diebold saying publically (and proudly) that he'd fine-tune his voting machines to swing an election.

This isn't paranoia, it's reality that the party in power is keeping at bay, but for how long? I think not much longer. Pride goeth before a fall...

I've decided I'm wearing my Bush-Cheney hat to the ballgame in August. :)
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Slick Willie didn't have the CEO of Diebold saying publically (and proudly) that he'd fine-tune his voting machines to swing an election.

This isn't paranoia, it's reality that the party in power is keeping at bay, but for how long? I think not much longer. Pride goeth before a fall...


Will the libs and dems ever learn?
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Learn what? My country and its core principles has been ruined by zealots and greedy rich folk, suck it up?

This shit makes me laugh....HARD. I only hope you're including your party of choice in this statement as well.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Learn what? My country and its core principles has been ruined by zealots and greedy rich folk, suck it up?

With all due respect my friend, if you think your party doesn't have its fair share of well-heeled zealots...well, then, you've never heard of "celebrities".

Big Dick McGee said:
With all due respect my friend, if you think your party doesn't have its fair share of well-heeled zealots...well, then, you've never heard of "celebrities".


Yes but they're doing the right thing.

Accordingtohimandhisbeliefsandthat'sallthatmattersanyway. ZING!
I never said Dems aren't culpable too. But every time you argue for your guys, you never seem to dispute what they've done to the Constitution, to the citizenry and to our reputation in the world. You don't seem to mind it, for some reason it makes you sleep better at night.

So instead of real debate, I usually get "when will they ever learn" and "boy it's great to be in power" back at me.

You can't learn something when there's nothing to learn. Other than "don't like it? Knock me off this hill!" Well, we're working on it.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
I never said Dems aren't culpable too. But every time you argue for your guys, you never seem to dispute what they've done to the Constitution, to the citizenry and to our reputation in the world. You don't seem to mind it, for some reason it makes you sleep better at night.

So instead of real debate, I usually get "when will they ever learn" and "boy it's great to be in power" back at me.

You can't learn something when there's nothing to learn. Other than "don't like it? Knock me off this hill!" Well, we're working on it.

Unfortunately the dems aren't doing that great of a job either A) making themselves look appealing to someone like me, someone not thrilled with the Republicans and has nowhere else to go and B) Not looking like raving lunatics with no direction or purpose...which is what takes care of "A"...

At this rate your party of choice has no shot at knocking my party of choice off the Hill because you're so incredibly far to the left. People like me aren't like that and if it's between Republicans and Democrats, dems have just gone too far and I don't see anywhere else to go. You're the Democrat, you fix it or I'm going to continue to vote as close the the middle as I can and right now that's Republican.

As far as the issues you brought up, again, as of yet they don't affect me. I have entirely too many things to worry about in real life that actually do affect me every single day to worry about if some import rag head is having intimate relations over the phone by his wife and some NSA agent is jerking off to it.
You just illustrated what's so wrong, and why it plays so well with the (ever-shrinking) majority of Americans: "it doesn't affect me." It's amazing to think what else you might allow to be done as long as you felt sure that you wouldn't be added to the wrong list as a result.

Trouble is, no one can ever be sure that they'll always be immune from those lists, no matter how white, financially secure and rah-rah-status-quo they are. Eventually, someone else with more connections than you is going to feel that you're too different from them, and you'll know what being "affected" really feels like.

It's just a matter of time in this environment.
Big Dick McGee said:
You guys lost. Twice. It's been a year and a half now. GET OVER IT. Jesus H. Christ, when Slick Willie was beatin' his Republican counterparts like a red-headed stepchild, you didn't hear us whinin' about bad voting machines.

Christ, Democrats are pussies.
You just see democrats everywhere, don't you?

This entire thread is an excellent illustration of the perpetual and Orwellian 'us vs. them' which will keep the US politically stagnant forever, while the real crooks laugh all the way to the bank.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
You just illustrated what's so wrong, and why it plays so well with the (ever-shrinking) majority of Americans: "it doesn't affect me." It's amazing to think what else you might allow to be done as long as you felt sure that you wouldn't be added to the wrong list as a result.

Trouble is, no one can ever be sure that they'll always be immune from those lists, no matter how white, financially secure and rah-rah-status-quo they are. Eventually, someone else with more connections than you is going to feel that you're too different from them, and you'll know what being "affected" really feels like.

It's just a matter of time in this environment.

Isn't it amazing how real things get in the way of all of your "some day" scenarios? You don't have that problem? Well aren't you the lucky bastard! :D

Is all I'm saying.

And with all of Hollywood and the media out in force making sure your frightning scenarios don't happen I don't think I have anything to be worried about anyway. I mean, they're all rich and powerful and are heros to more people than the guy that invented the lung-heart bypass machine so I'll leave it to them to figure out. What's that you say? Hollywood is a bunch of clueless dinks? Then maybe you should tell the dems to collectively pull away from the massive dick sucking party they've got going with Hollywood and people such as myself might, just might take them seriously. Until you can make it so, fuck your agenda.
Thank you for illustrating my point even further. Besides that not making much sense, it was a rationalization and a lashing out at things that aren't "you."

At some point you're going to have to go beyond cynicism and find something to believe in, as opposed as something to feel superior to in order to remain comfortable. Your guys thrive on people like you, they are doing crazy crazy shit with your blind proxy.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Thank you for illustrating my point even further. Besides that not making much sense, it was a rationalization and a lashing out at things that aren't "you."

At some point you're going to have to go beyond cynicism and find something to believe in, as opposed as something to feel superior to in order to remain comfortable. Your guys thrive on people like you, they are doing crazy crazy shit with your blind proxy.

Because I don't stomp my feet and yell like a lunatic (Howard Dean and Al Gore) doesn't mean I'm blind to the short comings and downright misdeeds of the Republican party.

It's people exactly like you and the party you associate yourself with that make me not care. You try and get your point across in the worst way humanly possible and the gravy trian never ends! If any of you had a plan that was understandable, intelligent and non-attacking I might take to listening to your party heads without rolling my eyes and scoffing. And please, for the love of God, put the words personal responsibility into your vocabulary.