Lets make them all legal!!


The best way to deal with this invasion from south of the border is simple. We extend our Southern Border. I'm serious, we extend it all the way to the Panama Canal where it will be much easier to defend,

We annex Mexico and Central America, set the current dictators up as governors of their prospective "states", allow them to keep the kind of lawlessness that makes it an attractive tourist destination, relieve them of their natural resources (especially oil) and most of all collect taxes on wages earned by the fruit packers and toilet scrubbers.

Additionally, when US dollars are being sent "home", they will be staying within the country. We dont want to build up the infastructure though, cost of living must stay cheap to ensure the third world brown types continue to stay where they will feel most confortable, if you know what I mean. ;)

I also propose moving most of our prisons to the State of Mexico, as well as several New Military bases. We can probably cut current military pay as well as have better training for the type of up close and personal hand to hand stuff we may need more of in the very near future. (After all, you know how good THEY are with knives, right?), I really DO think this will solve a lot of problems....

Now then, I can start plotting for Canada....

See, there ya go! Take the fucking place over completely and then move our entire prison system south. Start sending our criminals their way, for a change! :sarek:
The Question said:
See, there ya go! Take the fucking place over completely and then move our entire prison system south. Start sending our criminals their way, for a change! :sarek:

~garggle! Snicker! Choke! -spew coffee out the nose-, Ha!!~
Now that's proactive thinking!
It'll never happen because the pantywaist Europeans will whine about "American Imperialism", and the U.N. won't sanction it, and we'll have to kick their inefficient asses out of NYC and use the building for concerts and plays and stuff.

Wait, maybe it will happen! You'd damn sure get a majority of United States citizens to agree to it!
Big Dick McGee said:
It'll never happen because the pantywaist Europeans will whine about "American Imperialism", and the U.N. won't sanction it, and we'll have to kick their inefficient asses out of NYC and use the building for concerts and plays and stuff.

Wait, maybe it will happen! You'd damn sure get a majority of United States citizens to agree to it!

Damn straight. AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY, BITCHES! :bigass:
Messenger said:
Yeah, over everything.

No, not everything. That's too much hassle, which is the whole thing we want to get away from.

No, American sovereignty over America is just the thing we want to go for.
I don't see why not. We took half of Mexico away from them in the 1840s anyway...might as well go for the whole enchilada, so to speak.

As to military bases in Mexico, there's an advantage to that...COLA (Cost of living adjustment) for the troops would be next to nothing there.
missmanners said:
The best way to deal with this invasion from south of the border is simple. We extend our Southern Border. I'm serious, we extend it all the way to the Panama Canal where it will be much easier to defend,

We annex Mexico and Central America, set the current dictators up as governors of their prospective "states", allow them to keep the kind of lawlessness that makes it an attractive tourist destination, relieve them of their natural resources (especially oil) and most of all collect taxes on wages earned by the fruit packers and toilet scrubbers.

Additionally, when US dollars are being sent "home", they will be staying within the country. We dont want to build up the infastructure though, cost of living must stay cheap to ensure the third world brown types continue to stay where they will feel most confortable, if you know what I mean. ;)

I also propose moving most of our prisons to the State of Mexico, as well as several New Military bases. We can probably cut current military pay as well as have better training for the type of up close and personal hand to hand stuff we may need more of in the very near future. (After all, you know how good THEY are with knives, right?), I really DO think this will solve a lot of problems....

Now then, I can start plotting for Canada....


You already attempted to 'annex' Canada. Your collective ass was handed to you on a silver platter and a pleasant thank you have a good day.
CoyoteUgly said:
I don't see why not. We took half of Mexico away from them in the 1840s anyway...might as well go for the whole enchilada, so to speak.

As to military bases in Mexico, there's an advantage to that...COLA (Cost of living adjustment) for the troops would be next to nothing there.

You did not 'take' half of Mexico away from them. The territories which you claim to have 'taken' from them wanted their own independence. They willfully JOINED the USA. MORON. You fought the Mexicans who were going to have none of that. They almost defeated your ass too.
The Question said:
Damn straight. AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY, BITCHES! :bigass:

Those 'pantywaist' Europeans are the only people to have ever defeated the USA on its home soil. *blows a kiss to my American bitches*
SaintLucifer said:
Those 'pantywaist' Europeans are the only people to have ever defeated the USA on its home soil. *blows a kiss to my American bitches*

And where might that victory be now, Porky?
SaintLucifer said:
You did not 'take' half of Mexico away from them. The territories which you claim to have 'taken' from them wanted their own independence. They willfully JOINED the USA. MORON. You fought the Mexicans who were going to have none of that. They almost defeated your ass too.

Actually, what you're referring to is only Texas. The territory currently known as New Mexico, Arizona and California was conquered in open warfare, ceded to the U.S. (and subsequently purchased by the U.S.) under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the remainder paid for under the Gadsden Purchase.

In any case, no Mexican has any grounds to imply that the territory was stolen, as a handful are wont to do -- Mexico released Texas willingly, after which it became its own republic, after which it willingly annexed to the U.S. The rest Mexico willingly took payment for.
The Question said:
See, there ya go! Take the fucking place over completely and then move our entire prison system south. Start sending our criminals their way, for a change! :sarek:

Reminiscent of the Cubans being smart enough to empty all of their jails many years ago and allowing them to escape to Florida. Incredibly enough, the dumbfuck USA accepted them. Incredible. As a result, a large majority of crime in the USA is perpetrated by former Cubans Castro was smart enough to send your way. No doubt Castro was laughing all the way to the bank where his national costs were slashed by more than half thanks to empty jail cells. El gringo Americano stupido.
The Question said:
Actually, what you're referring to is only Texas. The territory currently known as New Mexico, Arizona and California was conquered in open warfare, ceded to the U.S. (and subsequently purchased by the U.S.) under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the remainder paid for under the Gadsden Purchase.

In any case, no Mexican has any grounds to imply that the territory was stolen, as a handful are wont to do -- Mexico released Texas willingly, after which it became its own republic, after which it willingly annexed to the U.S. The rest Mexico willingly took payment for.

*ROTFLMAO @ a country stupid enough to conquer territory, then actually pay cash for that same territory to their defeated foe* Duh?
~ignores where this thread has gone~

The thing I don't get about tis Immigration bill is it's execution.

Now: there are 11 million illegals in the counrty now. We know their here, we haven't caught them, they are working, we still haven't caught them, the border is sparsely guarded making it easy for them to get in (ok, easier), we still haven't caught them.
Aren't we allowing them to be here in the first place?

With this bill: Are they expecting these people to come forward? They are already living and making money and not being cuaght, so why would they?

At least make them learn English.
Blindgroping said:
~ignores where this thread has gone~

The thing I don't get about tis Immigration bill is it's execution.

Now: there are 11 million illegals in the counrty now. We know their here, we haven't caught them, they are working, we still haven't caught them, the border is sparsely guarded making it easy for them to get in (ok, easier), we still haven't caught them.
Aren't we allowing them to be here in the first place?

With this bill: Are they expecting these people to come forward? They are already living and making money and not being cuaght, so why would they?

At least make them learn English.

You could have learned something from the Soviets. They shot people who dared to cross the border. The only problem with that is the fact they were shooting people attempting to ESCAPE their country, not enter it. *ROTFLMAO*. Just adopt this policy but in the reverse. Shoot the fucking 'SPICS if they so much as look in the direction of your border.