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Let's pull the plug on this bullshit

The Unholy Turd: hello
THEREISNOTERROJA: How may I help you?
The Unholy Turd: conversation? heheh
THEREISNOTERROJA: Okay. But I must warn you, I find it excruciatingly difficult to converse with a self-identified "turd"
The Unholy Turd: hows you?
The Unholy Turd: turd because hypocrite wouldn't fit
The Unholy Turd: i've always had to explain this
The Unholy Turd: ok got to ask
The Unholy Turd: who were you at the original BBS?
The Unholy Turd: Zzombie Bunny?
The Unholy Turd: Hello?
THEREISNOTERROJA: I wasn't anyone there.
The Unholy Turd: you weren't at the original BBS?
The Unholy Turd: ok
The Unholy Turd: no probs
THEREISNOTERROJA: I joined brielfy under Terroja, found it too inane to deal with, and left.
The Unholy Turd: inane?
The Unholy Turd: in what way?
THEREISNOTERROJA: Everyone who belonged to it was a drooling retarded spouting dull nonsense about drinking cough syrup and cutting themselves.
The Unholy Turd: that i agree with
The Unholy Turd: entierly
THEREISNOTERROJA: I can't tolerate such stupidity, so I was repelled by the whole scene.
THEREISNOTERROJA: I would have thought that a man like Manson, who promoted intelligence, would have had a brighter fanbase.
The Unholy Turd: intelligence?
The Unholy Turd: you know that it's a gimmick, right?
The Unholy Turd: it's just good music
The Unholy Turd: nothing more
The Unholy Turd: you've read 'Long Hard Road out of Hell' right?
THEREISNOTERROJA: If that's all you take from it, then that's fine for you.
The Unholy Turd: oh come on dude, you're in your 20s
The Unholy Turd: you know it's a gimmick
The Unholy Turd: you're not 14
The Unholy Turd: read Long Hard Road out of Hell now...
The Unholy Turd: see what conclusion you make
THEREISNOTERROJA: I might be willing to concede that it's a "gimmick" contingent upon your definition of gimmick.
The Unholy Turd: you'll see right through it - but STILL appreciate it for what it is
The Unholy Turd: it's such a clever gimmick
The Unholy Turd: i appreciate the intelligence and the originality of the gimmick
The Unholy Turd: but intelligence? You've seen how Manson was behind the scenes, the 'intelligence' was just to justify it to the arts scene
THEREISNOTERROJA: If you mean that he's not at all sincere in his stated beliefs, then I know for an absolute fact that you're entirely mistaken.
The Unholy Turd: you know MM personally, right/
The Unholy Turd: ?
THEREISNOTERROJA: I wouldn't say that I know him, but I've made his acquantance and exchanged a few words with him.
The Unholy Turd: exchanged a few words?
The Unholy Turd: And exchanging a few words is enough to develop an entire viewpoint on someone's personality?
The Unholy Turd: If i told you I met a girl yesterday, and after a few words I was willing to marry her...
The Unholy Turd: you'd laugh in my face
The Unholy Turd: oh come on
The Unholy Turd: be rational dude
THEREISNOTERROJA: If you felt that you had a sense of her and knew that you had to have her, I wouldn't laugh at you.
The Unholy Turd: yeah right
The Unholy Turd: now you're being pedantic
The Unholy Turd: you know you can't understand anyone from a few well chosen selected phrases
The Unholy Turd: he's had enough time to rehearse it
THEREISNOTERROJA: The words don't matter.
The Unholy Turd: think about it, the amount of shit he's had to put up with
THEREISNOTERROJA: It's the body language.
The Unholy Turd: Hitler's Body language tricked an entire nation
The Unholy Turd: as did his tone
The Unholy Turd: Manson knows that
THEREISNOTERROJA: He didn't trick anyone. Everyone knew his beliefs.
The Unholy Turd: who, Hitler?
The Unholy Turd: Read any of Hitler's speeches?
The Unholy Turd: His proclomations that he didn't want war?
The Unholy Turd: That his government was one of peace?
The Unholy Turd: And yet the whole time he was re-arming his country with the sole purpose of war?
THEREISNOTERROJA: He wrote a book detailing his entire plan for the future and practically made it required reading for the German people.
The Unholy Turd: Tricking everyone, incluidng his own people?
The Unholy Turd: and who could read mein kampf, in all honesty?
The Unholy Turd: it's not even written
The Unholy Turd: it was dictated by Hitler to Hess
The Unholy Turd: you can't read dictation
The Unholy Turd: it's so difficult to read because it isn't designed for the book
The Unholy Turd: you know what i'm saying?
The Unholy Turd: i've read mein kampf
The Unholy Turd: but it wasn't designed to be read
The Unholy Turd: it's a tirade of diction
The Unholy Turd: put into text format
The Unholy Turd: that's not a book
The Unholy Turd: and most people couldn't read it
THEREISNOTERROJA: Yes, but he did intend for it to be read.
THEREISNOTERROJA: That's why he published it.
The Unholy Turd: and besides mein kampf, take into consideration his public proclomations
THEREISNOTERROJA: Let's parallel it to Bush today. Everyone knew and knows that when Bush says peace he means war. No one on either side was deluded by it.
THEREISNOTERROJA: It's just pageantry.
The Unholy Turd: not like Hitler
The Unholy Turd: remember Hitler was from an entierly different background
The Unholy Turd: europe had been ravaged by a world war
The Unholy Turd: and he was willing to start another one
The Unholy Turd: irrelevant of the cost
The Unholy Turd: a proper war, not a minor conflict like iraq
The Unholy Turd: he was willing to trick his people
THEREISNOTERROJA: And if Manson were doing the same thing, it would be so obvious that no one would fall for it. And he wouldn't go through the trouble of making complex allusions to obscure films, hitories and individuals.
The Unholy Turd: everyone fell for Hitler
The Unholy Turd: why couldn't anyone fall for Hitler?
The Unholy Turd: don't you think Manson hasn't read books on mass psychology?
The Unholy Turd: he even admits it in long hard road out of hell
The Unholy Turd: it can't be genuine
The Unholy Turd: it's a total gimmick
The Unholy Turd: educated people can see through it
THEREISNOTERROJA: Of course. And he uses his bag of parlor tricks well. That doesn't make it insubtatial.
The Unholy Turd: the arguments he uses have already been said by far greater people
The Unholy Turd: who have left a far more profound mark on the human race
The Unholy Turd: he just condensed these argumenst for teenagers
The Unholy Turd: to make them feel 'intelligent'
THEREISNOTERROJA: It's like saying that Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller doesn't truly hold Libertarian views simply because he's a magician and knows how to trick people. One isn't even related to the other.
The Unholy Turd: BTW, i'm listening to mechanical animals
The Unholy Turd: so don't think i'm not a fan
The Unholy Turd: jsut a realist
The Unholy Turd: people who die for their believes
The Unholy Turd: beliefs*
The Unholy Turd: and gain nothing material from them
The Unholy Turd: those are the people to believe in
The Unholy Turd: celebrities who have millions from the gimmick.. come on
The Unholy Turd: let's be real
THEREISNOTERROJA: I admire people who make money, not impoverished cretins. I would never take a man who didn't love and want money seriously.
The Unholy Turd: i love money
The Unholy Turd: but i can't trust people who make it
The Unholy Turd: because you have to be underhanded to make money
THEREISNOTERROJA: Why not? That's ludicrous.
The Unholy Turd: you can't be genuine
The Unholy Turd: or you're an impovershied cretin
The Unholy Turd: if you're honest you'll never make money
The Unholy Turd: it's an impossibility
The Unholy Turd: Manson believes in Niezctche, right/
THEREISNOTERROJA: That's completely ludicrous.
The Unholy Turd: that you can believe in
The Unholy Turd: nieztche says 'trample over everyone to get what you want'
The Unholy Turd: you can believe in that
The Unholy Turd: that i do believe in manson
The Unholy Turd: and admire him
The Unholy Turd: leaping over the heads of the unknowns and mundane
The Unholy Turd: and making millions
The Unholy Turd: that is realism
The Unholy Turd: that is nieztche
The Unholy Turd: that is truth
The Unholy Turd: but the art nonsense?
The Unholy Turd: look at his early stuff
THEREISNOTERROJA: He hasn't referenced Nietzhshe in a long time, but yes. And I think Manson would openly admire that quote.
The Unholy Turd: if he believed that he would have started like that
The Unholy Turd: he's 'evolved' in accordance to what is 'cool'
The Unholy Turd: a smart person can't have convictions about stuff like that
THEREISNOTERROJA: He's grown away from the mainstream, not toward it.
The Unholy Turd: he has to remain a blank book
The Unholy Turd: and take what he can
The Unholy Turd: to make millions
The Unholy Turd: he is so mainstream
The Unholy Turd: he's a household name
The Unholy Turd: and he loves it
The Unholy Turd: who wouldn't?
THEREISNOTERROJA: He could have made a lot more money toning it down, but never did so.
The Unholy Turd: wouldn't you like to be a household name with millions?
The Unholy Turd: he couldn';t make money toning it down
The Unholy Turd: becuse his fans wouldn't buy it
THEREISNOTERROJA: Of course I would.
The Unholy Turd: and he only makes money from his fans
The Unholy Turd: it isn't some universal truth
The Unholy Turd: it's not a philosophy
The Unholy Turd: it's a gimmick
The Unholy Turd: look
The Unholy Turd: i love manson
The Unholy Turd: i think he's so smart
The Unholy Turd: such a genius
The Unholy Turd: his aesthetic is so carefully constructed
The Unholy Turd: it's a work of genius
The Unholy Turd: but the likes of you and me should be able to see that..
The Unholy Turd: right?
The Unholy Turd: he's certainly a genius
THEREISNOTERROJA: What about his act and espoused beliefs do you think is false specefically.
The Unholy Turd: of coruse it's false
The Unholy Turd: act as controversial as you can
The Unholy Turd: the bigger the stunt, the bigger the headline
THEREISNOTERROJA: He could be much more controversial than hi is.
The Unholy Turd: no he's not GG Allin
The Unholy Turd: because if you get THAT controversial no one will buy it
The Unholy Turd: it's a very tame controversey
THEREISNOTERROJA: What about his act and espoused beliefs do you think is false specefically? I ask again.
The Unholy Turd: he deliberatley pissed off the bible belt, a group that anyone could piss off
The Unholy Turd: i think the whole thing is false
The Unholy Turd: it's showmaship
The Unholy Turd: he's just putting on a great show
The Unholy Turd: it's no idea behind it
The Unholy Turd: it's good art
The Unholy Turd: but it's no ideology behind it
The Unholy Turd: for christs sake
The Unholy Turd: it's like looking at rocky horror
THEREISNOTERROJA: No. That's a cop-out. I want you to give me a specefic example of a perceived falsehood.
The Unholy Turd: a good piece of work
The Unholy Turd: his makeup is false
The Unholy Turd: because it's so obvious
The Unholy Turd: it's looking wierd for wierds say
The Unholy Turd: sake*
The Unholy Turd: he's not stupid
The Unholy Turd: he's too smart
The Unholy Turd: he's not an autistic
The Unholy Turd: stuck in some sort of warped world
The Unholy Turd: if he was, he wouldn't make any money
The Unholy Turd: the real idiots who believe in it end up in some shitty industrial band that never goes anywhere
The Unholy Turd: because they don't know what sells
The Unholy Turd: manson knows what sells
The Unholy Turd: he's a fucking genius
The Unholy Turd: i admire him so much, you wouldn't understand how much
The Unholy Turd: more than any other celebrity
The Unholy Turd: i think he truly is a proper Nieztcherist
The Unholy Turd: if you fall for it, he's got you - if you don't he still has, because he wins you over with the good music
The Unholy Turd: see?
The Unholy Turd: it's the ultimate win win win
THEREISNOTERROJA: Dude, you're by far the most ridiculously cynical person I've ever encountered. You assume that someone is being totally false to hundreds of thousands of people with no evidence that he's anything but genuine. What's worse, you can't even intelligently defend your ideas. I really don't have time to argue with you. I can no more prove that he's honest than you can prove he's dishonest. I assume he is, because I'm not going to start off assuming the worst about a person and make them prove that they're better than I think. I'm going to assume the best and await evidence of the worst.
The Unholy Turd: oh come on
The Unholy Turd: cynical?
The Unholy Turd: you havn't time to argue/
THEREISNOTERROJA: Ridiculously so.
The Unholy Turd: i'm not arguing
The Unholy Turd: i'm discussing my ideas
The Unholy Turd: jesus, don't like like a spoilt kid
The Unholy Turd: accept difference of oppinion
THEREISNOTERROJA: I accept it. I have no problem accepting it. It's MY opinion that your opinion is the opinion of a douchebag.
The Unholy Turd: Then you had better get your swords out dude
The Unholy Turd: and get ready for battle
The Unholy Turd: understand?
THEREISNOTERROJA: I'm not going to waste my time. It's completely futile. You believe what you believe. I'll believe what I believe.
The Unholy Turd: That's relative nonsense
The Unholy Turd: and french-postmodernism
The Unholy Turd: Manson would be ashamed
The Unholy Turd: he follows German philosophers, not degenerate french ones
The Unholy Turd: which is a lazy philosophy that doesn't attatch any value to the world
The Unholy Turd: sorry, i misunderstood you
The Unholy Turd: i thought you had some sense
The Unholy Turd: clearly you're a kid
The Unholy Turd: and i'm only a year older than you
THEREISNOTERROJA: I don't much care what he follows. He's not me. And by the way, I'm not saying that all belief is relative, just that in this instance neither of us can possibly prove our contentions, so the whole debate is fruitless.
The Unholy Turd: but it's like talking to a 18 year old
The Unholy Turd: he's not you, but you believe everything he says?
The Unholy Turd: do you know how fanatical you sound?
The Unholy Turd: don't you question anything?
THEREISNOTERROJA: I believe that he believes it. But that doesn't mean I believe in it on a personal level. They're HIS beliefs, not mine.
The Unholy Turd: whatever
The Unholy Turd: people never reveal their inner truths in the media
The Unholy Turd: no one is that stupid
The Unholy Turd: or they wouldn't be celebrities
The Unholy Turd: don't you see - that's what seperates them from you
THEREISNOTERROJA: That's a completely erroneous line of reasoning.
The Unholy Turd: how so?
The Unholy Turd: justify your claim
The Unholy Turd: if you even can
THEREISNOTERROJA: Because their exists no demonstrable causal link between celebrity and disingenousness.
The Unholy Turd: doesn't there?
The Unholy Turd: you clearly havn't read enough into it
THEREISNOTERROJA: I think you've clearly read far too much into it.
THEREISNOTERROJA: But didn't I tell you that I wasn't going to have this argument with you?
The Unholy Turd: you did, about 10 minutes ago
The Unholy Turd: still here?
THEREISNOTERROJA: Um, you're last post in this argument was about a minute separated from my response to it.
The Unholy Turd: and that proves what exactly?
THEREISNOTERROJA: You just acted as if I waited ten minutes then started bothering you again aftert the argument was clearly over, when your own actions show that to not be the case.
The Unholy Turd: look
The Unholy Turd: i don't want to argue
The Unholy Turd: or 'question' your belief system
The Unholy Turd: i'm sorry
The Unholy Turd: it's just debate
The Unholy Turd: forgive me?
The Unholy Turd: I do believe Manson says is true
The Unholy Turd: I just love playing devil's advocate
The Unholy Turd: testing the devotion
The Unholy Turd: you know?
THEREISNOTERROJA: Whatever. I really am in no mood to suffer the company of fools any longer. You don't even understand the simple points presented to you. You're responses were so off-the-point that they might has well have been preprogrammed.