Troll Kingdom

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Let's talk about Gagh.

yea mate. Ma 'rents want me to get sum milk for da tea from the offie init? sort us out will ya?
Messenger said:
You are still good for nothing except powering a turbine with a hamster wheel, Loktar.


*sits back and watches Gagh and company pwn the DLA with every post*
Gagh said:
Trolled. Mercilessly. Haplessly. Beyond doubt.
Yes, you trolled all of us very well. And so did the admins, when their corruption decided to break the rules of free speech and make TK their own private and cliqueish playground. You trolled us well.

And I and the rest of us have a bit of a problem with that. You cannot trample on us, and have your admin friends destroy the values of the same ideal, namely free speech, which we were all drawn to and which you helped to destroy.

Don't tread on me. Of course, we can't really expect a british faggot to understand the values of free speech, now can we??

We are many. Today is not the day, but we shall have our revenge, whether or not all of Troll Kingdom becomes ashes.
Number Six said:
I always found it humourous how seriously Gagh tries to justify his failure at countering the operations of the DLA as though if he was a true entity in this war for Free Speech.

Gagh was a pretext for us to make ourselves known. He was a stepping stone which still tries desperately save face, as though if his emancipation would somehow nullify the Dual Liberation Army.

We are more than content in leading him on that we are actually seriously involved in our crusade against him.

Even though he deserves the worst.

Guess who won, bitch?
VKD said:

I like the way you still try to carry it on from time to time, with your numerous duals (like today!), but because you have no friends, you're even more ineffective than you were back then.
