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Letter from the Graduation Office

Now you can settle now into that career in the food service industry you're destined for.
Now you can settle now into that career in the food service industry you're destined for.

You know, I have been thinking about opening a restaurant up in Berkeley. If handled correctly, it seems like it'd be a very advantageous long term investment.
Personally, I think you should used to saying "Would you like that upsized?" but I forgot you've got rich parents so I guess you'll probably never have to.
Personally, I think you should used to saying "Would you like that upsized?" but I forgot you've got rich parents so I guess you'll probably never have to.

No, I'm not an incompetent lazing dolt with no work ethic, so I'll never have to. How's the job search going?
No, I'm not an incompetent lazing dolt with no work ethic, so I'll never have to. How's the job search going?

Where you talking to Loktar then or me? You must've have either been talking to him or out of your rectum. Please don't shatter my illusions of you by informing me it is the latter.
Where you talking to Loktar then or me? You must've have either been talking to him or out of your rectum. Please don't shatter my illusions of you by informing me it is the latter.

Loktar has a job.
Loktar and I trade places any time he wants. I'll gladly take his acres of free time and low paying call centre job and he can have my blinding migraines and three children and house renovations. But not my wife. I keep my wife.

Hmmm that actually sound like a holiday to me.
Loktar and I trade places any time he wants. I'll gladly take his acres of free time and low paying call centre job and he can have my blinding migraines and three children and house renovations. But not my wife. I keep my wife.

Hmmm that actually sound like a holiday to me.

I'll pass on the migraines I have enough health issues of my own. Three mini-servants to torment....sweet! Turn Yub's house into Peewee's Playhouse....awesome! I'll let you take my annoying brother and his equally annoying college friend also. Deal?

(Low paying job now....have a lead on a better paying job....may or may not pan out)
On second thoughts, I like my children alive and unmolested. And I've put too much work into this place to have you blunder through it with a claw hammer. Watching you cut an appendage off with a circular saw might be fun though.

As for your health issues, LOSE SOME WEIGHT LARD ARSE
On second thoughts, I like my children alive and unmolested. And I've put too much work into this place to have you blunder through it with a claw hammer. Watching you cut an appendage off with a circular saw might be fun though.

As for your health issues, LOSE SOME WEIGHT LARD ARSE

Yeah...whatever...I see years of therapy bills in your future. "My daddy molested me!" They'd actually be safer with me. I'd do any of the labor myself. Watching other people hurt themselves would be funnier. Who you callin' lard arse?.........FATTIE!
Loktar of the two of us, you're the one that weighs two of me.

And hint, suggest or otherwise claim I'd hurt my kids in such a way again and I'll make you eat those words, breaking your teeth in the process, you land whale.
Guys, this is getting real ugly, real quick. When the fuck have Badlanders started to use personal info like that to stab each other in the back?

I like my children alive and unmolested
"My daddy molested me!" They'd actually be safer with me
That was so way over the line that I can't even express how fucking mad I am right now.
Oh, yeah, and I don't care if this is a staged drama or not. Some things just have to stay a no-go. In my absolutely not humble opinion.
If anyone asks why I won't friend anyone from here on Facebook or wonders why I was kind of pissed off when Dual figured out my real name, I'm linking them to this thread.