Lie To Me


I want to smell dark matter
What is this show about? I saw an ad and it looked kind of interesting and Tim Roth is a good actor. Is it good? Has it been cancelled already?


Boobie inspector
The adverts annoy me with the faces.

Sky always does this, they shove their new shows down your face so often by the time it comes on its the last thing you want to see.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^I've watched a few episodes. I think it's up against something else that I watch, but what I've seen I've enjoyed.


more cookies please?
Very good show and I believe it's been renewed for another season.
The basic concept is a company that consults various government agencies (and occasionally other people) and helps them find out whether someone's lying or helps them find the truth. Their work is based on 'science', i.e. facial muscles automatically doing certain things (across all cultures) when you're lying and your not being able to change that fact. Very intriguing.
Additionally, e.g. a rough marriage for one of the team, dark and sad reasons why the head of the company first got into the area - sounds cheesy right now but works out really well.


Be patient till the last.
I've only come in near the end of a few eps but gleaned enough to think it has potential. Thanks for the background, ctmelvital.
Tim Roth -even what little I saw, - is excellent.


I want to smell dark matter
Oh, I missed the first few episodes so I probably won't watch (I think it clashed with something else) but I'll look out for it if it's repeated at a convenient time.


more cookies please?
I think it's only 13 eps for season 1 anyway so you can probably catch up on your streaming website of choice (maybe it's even on Hulu? I don't know.).

They're making some changes that don't have me 100% convinced right now and I think we may be in for a bit of character reshuffling, to be honest.
Dr Lightman (Roth) is obviously gonna stick around and he's the strongest character anyway so that's fine. In all honesty, all of the other major characters could go either way right now. The feeling I'm getting is that they're gonna keep the young girl around (because she's a) pretty and they b) like the whole mentor angle (even though it isn't working as well as they think it is)), probably also going to keep the old woman around (as a counter point to Lightman). So most likely choice to be eliminated is the geek. He hasn't really seen any development - apart from going against explicit orders for ill-defined reasons that got him a demotion to unpaid intern. Now they've added another black guy so I think someone'll have to go and the geek is the most likely choice.