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Dirk Funk greened Falconarg. This is proof that he is no Badlander. A true Badlander always negs Falconarg. Do not vote for Funk.
Dirk Funk greened Falconarg. This is proof that he is no Badlander. A true Badlander always negs Falconarg. Do not vote for Funk.

So? I'm sure I've greened failcunt in the past as well. Big deal. I've negged you as well. doesn't make me any less of a Badlander.
Shut up, Loktar. You're an complete buffoon, you'd suck on a elephant's sweaty nutsack if you thought it be funny/annoy someone. Thus you don't count.
Dirk Funk greened Falconarg. This is proof that he is no Badlander. A true Badlander always negs Falconarg. Do not vote for Funk.

Ah The "No true Scotsman" fallacy. I shouldn't have expected anything better out of you.
Shut up, Loktar. You're an complete buffoon, you'd suck on a elephant's sweaty nutsack if you thought it be funny/annoy someone. Thus you don't count.

Well you're the village idiot. I still outrank you. So STFU, retard.
That post made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Well done, you've graduated to inane gibbering moron.