I want to smell dark matter
Needs Loki with Cat Thor's head.

I saw him leaping about, but it was hard to tell it was him, since it was so quick, dark screen and my phone screen was so small. I'll have to watch it again and try to pause it at the right moment.So many Easter eggs, I saw Milnjor, but missed the frog Thor that was right next to it.
So with that black Loki at the end and already knowing that there can be female Loki's, what are the odds that the black lady who seems to be the real person running the TVA is in fact another Loki?
ol ki o lik
Maybe when Sylvie killed Kang and sent Loki back to the TVA he ended up in a reset or branched/alternate timeline.I can't believe that was the last episode! lol
Why did they all forget who Loki is?