Loktar vs The Angry and slightly drunk Baboon

Dr Dave

That's right, we're putting Loktar in a cage with a baboon that we've mad angry by having him watch 56 straight hours of The Jersey Shore, then we fed him whiskey.

This exclusive PPV event on MFTV is brought to you by The Cassie and Tisiphone Detective Team Adventures Season 3!

Be there or be really bored!


I want to smell dark matter
I'll download a torrent.

Dr Dave

Good luck Loktar.

The baboon is really pissed now, not only does he not like half naked men, but he just watched an episode of Two and a half Men.


Pinata Whacker
Good luck Loktar.

The baboon is really pissed now, not only does he not like half naked men, but he just watched an episode of Two and a half Men.

Yeah well I just snorted a kilo of cocaine. And drank a tankard of tiger's blood.

Bring it on, baboon!