

I just reviewed the last month of posts I made. IMO, I've treated you like I've always treated you. It's you with the problem. Simply because I've poked fun at your weight and penis size, which I've always done and you've done so yourself..:rolleyes:

Like I said, ever since you decided you had a backbone, you've acted like an ass. You've thrown people who would have stuck up for you in any fight under the bus, simply because we didn't like who you liked. You've made a decision anything those former friends say is an insult, despite our intentions for saying so. I laid off giving you hell about your behaviour for a good long while and you ignored it, then I when I saw you weren't going to dial it back and clam down, I started in, hoping to get you to at least remember Pickle and I were your friends. But no, I became in your mind in cahoots with Pickle to troll you and make you cry or some shit.

I've not posted boo in the Badlands for at least a fortnight, outside of the odd youtube. Why did you have to drag this bullshit, almost months old, over to LoNAF and start shit there? Don't you have any concept of a boundary? You burst into a perfectly calm and fun thread and explode your bullshit everywhere. WTF!?

If your life sucks, quit making me your whipping boy. That's what hummus is for. He's everyone's whipping boy.

Sort your shit out, cuz I'm reaching my limit for dealing with it.


and here i was thinking you were a nice guy yub OHYEH BROTHER DUDE RUNNIN WILD ONCE AGAIN


on a break from forums
Eww! Yub, you're still here? Go away, go back to LoNAF! You're even less popular than me. Nobody here wants you so bye bye now.


on a break from forums
Oh, the reason I'm not giving you any red karma Yub, is you're simply not worth the time.


Stfu faggots, all knows its loktar. Someone gave him a balloon and nao he doesn't know when to stop jerking over it.


fucking lulz @ ignore!




No u bitch, get back in ur box and play nice


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
I agree with Yub, and I agree with Loktar. But I also have no idea what we're talking about and feel like contributing nothing to this thread.

So hooray for manly chick fights!


Pinata Whacker
I agree with Yub, and I agree with Loktar. But I also have no idea what we're talking about and feel like contributing nothing to this thread.

So hooray for manly chick fights!

Basically it went down like this: There was a fun spam thread over at Lonaf and everything was going good until Yub called me barely human. I then responded by saying "At least I don't read kiddie porn about Iron Man raping Astro Boy. Pervert." He got butthurt that I brought TK business innto his "sanctuary" and things got uglier from there.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You has a nice cream for that butthurt, dontcha?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Basically it went down like this: There was a fun spam thread over at Lonaf and everything was going good until Yub called me barely human. I then responded by saying "At least I don't read kiddie porn about Iron Man raping Astro Boy. Pervert." He got butthurt that I brought TK business innto his "sanctuary" and things got uglier from there.

That made me chuckle. Well done, Initiate Loktar.