I've been over at www.rebelscum.com
I've been over at www.rebelscum.com
I hang out in the vintage section. They sort of have their own rules-set going on. Most of the crazy action happens in the For Sale/Trade forums of each respective area. Maximum immaturity and bannings occur in Wurher's Cantina. Makes sense, there are literally 8 and 10-year-olds posting there. I am acquainted with a few, and some have even been banned for whatever reason. My personal fave right now is QBert. Everybody hates him and wants him to get banned because he only posts using orange text. The majority of the insider collecting drama occurs in the Vintage area. Good stuff. I've posted about it before in GFHH.
Excellent site! I see myself using it frequently.
Let's talk Vintage. Simple questions:
1) Best figure
2) Best figure in its package
3) Best Vehicle
4) Best mini-vehicle
5) Best 'Creature''
5) Best 'Power of the Force' release