lol Doctor Who

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Hmmmmm... I need to give exposition that there are a lot of dead people on this planet...

How to do it... how to do it...

I KNOW! I'll give someone psychic powers! And never explain it! And get a terrible actress to play her! I'm the best writer ever!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
You know what I haven't done lately? A ZAAANNNNYYY CHARACTER!



The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
HEY here's a good moral lesson for you, kids!!!!!

It's okay if you steal..... AS LONG AS YOU DON'T NEED IT ANYWAY!

Stealing is good! Go steal!

I'm the best writer ever!!


Boobie inspector
I liked it, hope my mum didn't watch it then, since I told her Sheridan Smith was in it, and she hates Doctor Who, but loves Sheridan Smith.

I recon the master is coming back, he knocks four times, which is what he did on the table when he was gassing the cabinet.

The waters of mars dosnt look too promising, but you never know.


a treat for missmanners
Yup it the master... master/dalek alliance in the xmas special...tonights was ok, pitch black rip off some what,

I just want one dark episode before the emo kid ruins it all..


Boobie inspector
You forget, emo kid's whole series is brought to us by the guy who wrote all the darkest episodes we have seen so far.


I want to smell dark matter
Why does every RTD episode have some speech about how the human race is so special beause they have "chops" or whatever?

Which one were supposed to be the new villains who are "a million times scarier than the Daleks and the Cybermen put together, honest!" The fly people (who weren't villains) or the flying sandworms (who weren't scary?)

And what was the message behnd him letting go Michelle Ryan at the end? It's okay to be a thief as long as it's a "lifestyle choice"? Nice bum though.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
The bit where the really annoying welsh man was hugging The Doctor and telling him how much he loved him couldn't've been less subtle if RTD had called the character "Mayor E. Sue".


I want to smell dark matter
Lee Evans isn't usually welsh, is he? Did they just make him welsh because Doctor Who always needs something welsh in it (they already covered London by seting it in London...again.)

And why is it always the old black women who are psychic?


Boobie inspector
HEY here's a good moral lesson for you, kids!!!!!

It's okay if you steal..... AS LONG AS YOU DON'T NEED IT ANYWAY!

Stealing is good! Go steal!

I'm the best writer ever!!

Well the Doctor did steal the tardis.

Still if you hate shows where the main characters steal I guess you hate Blakes 7, farscape, firefly, hustle, Robin Hood, ect.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
In most of those cases the stealing is justified as they people either:

A) Had no choice to steal
B) Are stealing from people who have been set up as "the bad guys" and so the people stealing are in the moral right for doing so.

Here, however, she's just a thief who steals other peoples things "because she wants to" and the only reason we're told she's a "good" criminal is because The Doctor tells us so.


I want to smell dark matter
But she does have a nice bum.


Is this real life?
Er, he let her go because she helped save everybody, including him, as she'd pointed out. Plus he seemed quite fond of her.

I didn't think this episode was too bad.

Superficially, it was very nice to look at with some decent effects and good cinematography. The story was okay, although the bad guys weren't really that scary or anything. I'm not sure why, since the idea of aliens that eat everything till all that's left is dust sounds good on paper.

Michelle Ryan's character was pretty well played and fairly interesting, one of the best companions for a while imo. Way better than Kylie or Donna. I normally can't stand Lee Evans, but he wasn't completely unbearable in this ep, even with the pointless Welsh accent.

The flying bus thing... just seemed like RTD over cooking the plot as usual. Also, the effects were all over the place with those shots. Some looked realistic, then others looked awful.

Telepath lady was pointless really.. they could've found a better way to give a sense of foreboding. I don't mind people on Who having "a sense" since there's a precedent for it, but it is overly convenient when they turn up.

Oh and I noticed the bus had adverts for a phone company called Neon? Am I over eager to spot easter eggs, or will they turn up in the last special as some company that the Daleks use to control everyone? They have a stable network!


I thought it all sucked, with the exception of David Tennant. Dull as ditchwater, and yet again I will insist that Michelle Ryan is not fit, and utterly sucks all life out of any show she is in. The concept of the character was good. Her excecution of it made me not care. In fact, when she produced the hammer, I wanted the Doctor to drive the claw end in-between her eyes.


Is this real life?
"Don't ya geddit?! THE WHOLE FING SUCKED!"


I want to smell dark matter
The concept of the character was shit and her performance was the only thing it made it okay, IMMHO (not that it was a super great performance or anything.) UNIT should have shot down her bus at the end.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Too early in the morning. Haven't had coffee yet. Scared.


I want to smell dark matter
Those puppets make some good points.