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lol @ Israel

The ship was sailing in international waters. Even if the people on the ship did preemptively attack the commandos, they had every right to because what Israel did in the first place was a clear act of aggression.
I'm just wondering how many white people Israel will kill before the civilized world hates 'em as much as the camel jockeys do.

They're playing a hard game over there, y'know. By acting all big and bad, they're showing they're not the pwecious widdle victimized culture they depend on us all believing they are. They're gonna throw a fist into the wrong face if they're not careful, and I'm just hoping that when they do -- because it is inevitable -- they get the righteous stomping they've been working so long and hard for.
People know what Israel is like, its not about public opinion and human rights, its about government agendas and war, and will continue to be, despite allllllll the evidence against israel...they will always be excused.

Its offensive for these protesters to have gained more attention and outrage from the international community for the little boo boo that happened to them....because they are not palastinian; yet building an open air prison along with massacring innocent civilians is met with 'bad israel...meh' by the world.

Governments and people do not give a shit about the palastinian situation and the weight it has put on the region; yet everyone is willing to pick up a palastinian corpse and use their plight for their own agenda and attack and breed hate for israel.

War is money and the mid east is the US and Russia's little golden goose that just keeps on giving.
Having these 2 involved on any level, is like getting the wolf to babysit the sheep.
Have u been living under a rock or smthing?
Russia has already been hard at work building bases, arming minorities and a speedy advancement of their 2020 plan to have all russian defence weapons nuke capable.

lulz those hippies got royally pwnd

You are a moron. Russia has not been building bases outside of Russia, they have had nuke-capable defence weapons since the 1950s, and EVERYONE arms minorities in any nation in which they have a vested interested. I would suggest that, from this moment forward, do shut the fuck up. You know NOTHING about Russia. Zero. Nada. Kaputsky. I grow weary of Americans who think they know Russia. Remember, this is a country that had you Americans shitting your pants during the Cold War with weapons they never even used. All those 'captured' Soviet military hardware? 'Monkey models', you moron. The Soviets have been laughing at you Americans since the 1950s. I still recall laughing about the Americans and their rockets which may be launched from within the barrel of a tank. They thought the Soviets did not have them because they inspected captured monkey models of T-54s, T-62s and T-72s. I read up on a Soviet general who was debriefed in the late 1980s. He stated that the Soviet military hierarchy was LAUGHING at the USA. Ask anyone here about the Foxbat fiasco. The CIA bought everything hook, line and sinker, which shows American er 'brilliance'.
People know what Israel is like, its not about public opinion and human rights, its about government agendas and war, and will continue to be, despite allllllll the evidence against israel...they will always be excused.

Its offensive for these protesters to have gained more attention and outrage from the international community for the little boo boo that happened to them....because they are not palastinian; yet building an open air prison along with massacring innocent civilians is met with 'bad israel...meh' by the world.

Governments and people do not give a shit about the palastinian situation and the weight it has put on the region; yet everyone is willing to pick up a palastinian corpse and use their plight for their own agenda and attack and breed hate for israel.

War is money and the mid east is the US and Russia's little golden goose that just keeps on giving.
Having these 2 involved on any level, is like getting the wolf to babysit the sheep.

What does Russia have to do with the Mideast these days, you daft cunt? The Russians don't give a fuck.

Israel needs to be nuked. End of discussion.
Ah, yes, their other favorite gambit -- false flag operations. The speculation at least is that they attacked hoping to be misidentified, probably with the intention of drawing the U.S. into their war on their side. After all, we'd been such good little doggies for them in both world wars.

You are an idiot. The USA was already on their side. Where the fuck do you think the Israelis were obtaining weapons, other than from the French? Stupid fuck. You DO understand that, if not for the USA, Israel would have been wiped out pronto, yes? You Americans love your little kikes. After all, it was YOU who invented the Holocaust, to justify the need for a new homeland. Remember, the USA refused Jewish immigrants, AT THE BEHEST OF JEWISH GROUPS IN THE USA! Now, do shut the fuck up.
You're still as ignorant as ever, I see. Yes, the Israelis are supplied and funded by the USG, but that wasn't enough for them. They wanted more than just our weapons technology, they wanted our government to commit American lives to their war, too, and they needed something to personalize their war for the American public, a propaganda stunt that would rally Americans behind their cause and guarantee that there would be as little dissent as possible toward our government's enormous handouts to them. Thus the false flag operation.

And if you knew jack shit about the Holocaust, you'd know it was the Soviets who spun the several hundred thousand disease-and privation-related deaths in Poland into the Holocaust myth. The Allied military establishment just went with the story to provide justification for their own war crimes and for allying themselves with the Soviets, whose war crimes far exceeded those of the Nazis in numbers and inhumanity.
You expect the UN to do anything? UN = United Nothing. Worthless sack of cunts. However, I firmly believe that Israel has a right to exist. They pull a lot of shit that they shouldn't but that doesn't mean they have no right to their country.

But, it is not THEIR country, you moron. Palestine has never been Jewish homeland. It was CONQUERED by the fucking Jews, you dumb shit. Read the Bible, where the fucking kikes ADMIT they stole it. Especially, read about Jericho, and all other territories where the murderous Jews killed every man, woman and child in the land of Palestine in order to ensure there would be no survivors to avenge them.
You're still as ignorant as ever, I see. Yes, the Israelis are supplied and funded by the USG, but that wasn't enough for them. They wanted more than just our weapons technology, they wanted our government to commit American lives to their war, too, and they needed something to personalize their war for the American public, a propaganda stunt that would rally Americans behind their cause and guarantee that there would be as little dissent as possible toward our government's enormous handouts to them. Thus the false flag operation.

And if you knew jack shit about the Holocaust, you'd know it was the Soviets who spun the several hundred thousand disease-and privation-related deaths in Poland into the Holocaust myth. The Allied military establishment just went with the story to provide justification for their own war crimes and for allying themselves with the Soviets, whose war crimes far exceeded those of the Nazis in numbers and inhumanity.

Uh, no. The Soviets went along with the Allied propaganda regarding the Holocaust, which never happened. In fact, it was the AMERICANS who came up with the Holocaust idea, an idea which originated with the Jewish groups in the USA who wished to hide the fact they started WWII. Please find yourself and education, and take the time to read about the Jewish call for an embargo against the German economy, which almost destroyed Germany. This led to Hitler's anger with the Jews, as his country was on the road to full recovery, an economic miracle. It was to the advantage of the Americans to participate in this embargo, as it would ensure a weakened Germany, and as a means to show the world that fascism does not work, when in fact it has performed economic miracles everywhere it showed up. It was a threat to American democracy.
Uh, no. The Soviets went along with the Allied propaganda regarding the Holocaust, which never happened. In fact, it was the AMERICANS who came up with the Holocaust idea, an idea which originated with the Jewish groups in the USA who wished to hide the fact they started WWII.

You know, you really are an uninformed dipshit. Look up Ilya Ehrenburg, look up British WW1 anti-German war propaganda, look at where the WW2 Holocaust propaganda originated geographically, and then shut your worthless cock socket. You know Jack Shit.

Please find yourself and education, and take the time to read about the Jewish call for an embargo against the German economy, which almost destroyed Germany. This led to Hitler's anger with the Jews, as his country was on the road to full recovery, an economic miracle. It was to the advantage of the Americans to participate in this embargo, as it would ensure a weakened Germany, and as a means to show the world that fascism does not work, when in fact it has performed economic miracles everywhere it showed up. It was a threat to American democracy.

The American people at large didn't give Fuck the First about the Nazis and had no interest whatsoever in getting involved in WW2 until after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Don't talk history with me, son, because I've run this troll on people far more knowledgeable than you are. Back to your corner, Junior, you are not ready to stand toe-to-toe with me on this.
You know, you really are an uninformed dipshit. Look up Ilya Ehrenburg, look up British WW1 anti-German war propaganda, look at where the WW2 Holocaust propaganda originated geographically, and then shut your worthless cock socket. You know Jack Shit.

The American people at large didn't give Fuck the First about the Nazis and had no interest whatsoever in getting involved in WW2 until after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Don't talk history with me, son, because I've run this troll on people far more knowledgeable than you are. Back to your corner, Junior, you are not ready to stand toe-to-toe with me on this.

Time to own your ass...

Revisionist scholars, on the other hand, have long pondered about the origin of the six million figure, the most famous and thorough research stemming from Prof. Dr. Arthur Butz in his epochal work The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.While analyzing a large amount of New York Times articles on the persecution of Jews in German dominated Europe during World War Two, Butz found several articles which clearly indicate that as early as late 1942/early 1943, Jewish lobbying groups within the United States were already anticipating a total loss of five to six million Jews at war's end. Some of these articles I would like to briefly quote here, taken from Butz' book:

NYT, June 30, 1942, p. 7:

"1,000,000 Jews Slain By Nazis, Report Says"[10]

NYT, September 3, 1942, p. 5:

"A European observer said the Germans planned to exterminate the Jews not only in Europe, but throughout the world. He declared the Nazis had executed 2,000,000 Jews in the past three years."[11]

NYT, December 13, 1942, p. 21:

"[...] 'Authenticated reports point to 2,000,000 Jews who have already been slain by all manner of satanic barbarism, and plans for the total extermination of all Jews upon whom the Nazis can lay their hands. The slaughter of a third of the Jewish population in Hitler's domain[3?2,000,000=6,000,000] and the threatened slaughter of all is a holocaust without parallel.'"[12]

NYT, December 20, 1942, p. 23:

"What is happening to the 5,000,000 Jews of German-held Europe, all of whom face extermination [...].
Early in December 1942 the State Department in Washington gave some figures showing that the number of Jewish victims deported and perished since 1939 in Axis-controlled Europe now reached the appalling figure of 2,000,000 and that 5,000,000 were in danger of extermination."[13]

NYT, March 2, 1943, pp. 1, 4:

"Immediate action by the United Nations to save as many as possible of the five million Jews threatened with extermination [...] was demanded at a mass demonstration [...] in Madison Square Garden last night.
[...Rabbi Hertz said] 'appalling is the fact that those who proclaim the Four Freedoms have so far done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men by readiness to rescue those who might still escape Nazi torture and butchery. [...]'"[14]

NYT, March 10, 1943, p. 12:

"Forty thousand persons listened and watched [...] last night to two performances of 'We Will Never Die,' a dramatic mass memorial to the 2,000,000 Jews killed in Europe. [...] The narrator said 'There will be no Jews left in Europe for representation when peace comes. The four million left to kill are being killed, according to plan.'"[15]

NYT, April 20, 1943, p. 11:

"London, April 19 (Reuter) - Two million Jews have been wiped out since the Nazis began their march through Europe in 1939 and five million more are in immediate danger of execution. These figures were revealed in the sixth report on conditions in occupied territories issued by the Inter-Allied Information Committee."

Thus, Butz concludes in his book:[16]

"Another point that should be made here [...] is that the six million figure had its origin apparently in the propaganda of 1942-1943."

Butz also shows that the origins of these articles were Jewish-Zionist pressure groups like the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress. Initially, their claims were not taken seriously in Washington, until Henry Morgenthau of the Treasury department managed to reduce the influence of the State Department on official U.S. politics.[17]

But even Butz' farsighted approach was still a little short. Let me first go back in time six more years. On November 25, 1936, Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, testified in front of the Peel Commission, which was formed as a reaction of violent clashes between Jews and Arabs in Palestine and which finally decided to divide Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab State. In his speech, Weizmann said:[18]

"It is no exaggeration to say that six million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world, where they are unwanted, and for whom the countries are divided into those, where they are unwanted, and those, where they are not admitted."

That Weizmann's reference to six million threatened and/or suffering Jews is neither an exception nor by any means the earliest reference to this figure, is now shown by Don Heddesheimer. He has collected a vast amount of material indicating that the propaganda unleashed by Zionist organization during World War Two was not unprecedented. As a matter of fact, it is a mere repetition - or should we say continuation? - of propaganda, which intensified during World War One (!) and reached its first culmination in the 1920s. Already by then, the figures of five or six million Jews threatened by death were widely publicized and were used as a means to an end: namely the uncritical support of Jewish and Zionist political goals.[19]To go one step further, Heddesheimer even found a source from 1900 claiming that six million suffering Jews were a good argument for Zionism (see p. 40).

In this preface, I have quoted several New York Times articles of the years 1942 and 1943, because after having read this book, I would like the reader to come back to these pages and read those articles again. He will then be struck by the similarity of the theme. But he will also notice a difference:

During World War Two, Zionist pressure groups found a very convenient propaganda target in National Socialist Germany, whose extremely anti-Jewish politics invited all sorts of credible sounding accusations.

Before, during, and immediately after World War One, however, the situation was more complex. As Heddesheimer shows, the major target for polemic attacks in the years before World War One was czarist Russia due to its policies toward Jews, which many Zionists considered to be anti-Jewish. After czarist Russia's defeat was apparent in 1916/1917, Zionist propaganda switched its target over to Germany (see pp. 38f. of this book), whose ally, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), needed to be defeated to 'liberate' Palestine for Zionist plans (and of course in order to secure billions of dollars lent to the British and French). Such propaganda accusations against Germany, however, ceased at war's end, because Germany, in those years, was quite willing and capable of defending itself against such untrue propaganda.

After the end of World War One, when Zionist dreams about Palestine were temporarily disappointed, but new hopes had arisen with the Soviet experiment in Russia, no particular country was initially singled out, even though there was a perfect target: Poland.

Between World War One and World War Two, Poland was a military dictatorship, which implemented a policy of 'ethnic pressure,' i.e., all non-Polish minorities were subjected to discriminations and various degrees of persecution with the intention to 'convince' them to emigrate (quite similar to what Israel does today in Palestine against non-Jews). The Jews in Poland were not exempt from this treatment. As a matter of fact, Polish official as well as unofficial anti-Judaism was so massive that many Polish Jews preferred to live in Germany even during the Third Reich until late 1938 rather than to stay in their native country.

Hence, there was enough justification to massively attack Poland for its rabid anti-Jewish attitude as there were reasons to attack Germany after Adolf Hitler rose to power there and step by step implemented a policy increasingly comparable to that already in effect in Poland.

Although it can be shown that The New York Times accused Poland of anti-Jewish persecution in many articles - whereas this newspaper was basically silent about similar persecution suffered by Germans, Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Ukrainians, and Slovaks residing in Poland -Heddesheimer does not focus on this aspect, because his book is not about the suffering and persecution of Jews in eastern Europe, but about propaganda and fund raising in New York. I therefore want to draw the reader's attention to a few examples of articles in The New York Times addressing anti-Jewish persecution in Poland.

Already by 1919, a report about alleged anti-Jewish pogroms in Poland appeared in the New York Times, but with a very ironic connotation, since the veracity of these reports was doubted:[20]

"It has been pointed out that some of these reports may have originated with German propagandists or may have been exaggerated by them with the obvious purpose of discrediting Poland with the Allies, in the hope that Germany might be the gainer thereby. Germany might have assisted in spreading these stories, may have invented them, although it would be a cruel deception to wring the hearts of great multitudes of people in order to gain such an end [...]"

False claims of Jewish suffering would be cruel, indeed, and it sure is nice to read it from the horse's mouth. It is troubling, however, when such claims are falsely attributed as in this case where the New York Times apparently could not suppress its prejudice to potentially see the 'evil German' behind everything.

In some articles during the 1920s addressing the sufferings of Polish Jewry, these hardships were interestingly depicted as a result of general economic hardship in Poland after World War One rather than as a result of any specific anti-Jewish policies.[21]Others, in particular during the 1930s when Polish policies became more repressive, reported about anti-Jewish persecutions, which triggered the public protest of Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, the chairman of the American Jewish Congress.[22]This was, however, also accompanied with some dramatic exaggerated claims about the suffering of the Jews:[23]

"The Jewish people all over the world face a war of extinction, Dr. Tenenbaum declared in an address [...]."

This was roughly one year before Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany!

Even though Poland's anti-minority policies in general and anti-Jewish policies in particular, which started right at this country's establishment in 1918/19, made it a perfect target for criticism, this aspect of Polish history is today almost forgotten.

*yawn* Is this amateur night or something?
So show where the WW2 Holocaust myth rose from -- West or East.

The late Dr. Joachim Hoffmann was the first mainstream historian who marveled over this question. In his 1995 study Stalin's War of Extermination 1941-1945, he pointed out that the chief Soviet atrocity propagandist, Ilya Ehrenburg, had publicized the six-million-figure in the Soviet foreign press as early as January 4, 1945, i.e., fully four months before the war's end.[7]

([7] Stalins Vernichtungskrieg 1941-1945, Munich: Verlag für Wehrwissenschaften, 1995, pp. 160f.; English: Stalin's War of Extermination 1941-1945, Capshaw, AL: Theses & Dissertations Press, 2001, pp. 189f.)

The fact is, you're an ideological idiot -- if even that specific a kind of idiot -- and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The Soviets were the first to have been exposed to WW2 atrocity propaganda accusing the Germans of mass homicide, the first to encounter detention camps in Eastern Europe and therefore the first to "confirm" the propaganda due to filtering the real death and privation they saw through the lens of the propaganda they were fed by their government.

Now fuck off, you know-nothing.
So show where the WW2 Holocaust myth rose from -- West or East.

([7] Stalins Vernichtungskrieg 1941-1945, Munich: Verlag für Wehrwissenschaften, 1995, pp. 160f.; English: Stalin's War of Extermination 1941-1945, Capshaw, AL: Theses & Dissertations Press, 2001, pp. 189f.)

The fact is, you're an ideological idiot -- if even that specific a kind of idiot -- and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The Soviets were the first to have been exposed to WW2 atrocity propaganda accusing the Germans of mass homicide, the first to encounter detention camps in Eastern Europe and therefore the first to "confirm" the propaganda due to filtering the real death and privation they saw through the lens of the propaganda they were fed by their government.

Now fuck off, you know-nothing.

I see you have a problem with dates. My information predates the camps, whilst yours regard the aftermath of the Soviet entry into the camps. Tell me, WHY did the Soviets not make the same propaganda newreels that the Allies did, supposedly showing mass graves of dead Jews??? Think about the Soviet penchant for paranoia. I will give you some time to think it over. Non-fascists such as yourself are easily buffaloed by the libtards of today.
Tell me, WHY did the Soviets not make the same propaganda newreels that the Allies did, supposedly showing mass graves of dead Jews???

Because, you fucking idiot, the Soviets didn't have the resources to make propaganda films, only publications. Fuck's sake, even in the defense of their own capital, only something like one in ten of their front-line infantrymen were even armed. You know, before you try arguing WW2 history with someone, you might consider -- oh, I dunno -- fucking studying it.
This is no surprise. Israeli soldiers aren't the least bit worried about credible threats to themselves or to Israel. Israeli strategy is typically to antagonize a neighbor until the neighbor responds with force, then to claim to be "defending" themselves by slaughtering hundreds or thousands of civilians and destroying infrastructure. They're the worst kind of bullies.
And now Netanyahu is going to come over here again and stomp his feet like a little brat again and Obama is going to roll over and give him everything he wants, just like every US president ever.